ktprime / emhash

Fast and memory efficient c++ flat hash map/set
MIT License
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Which table is the fastest? #12

Closed hitdshu closed 1 year ago

hitdshu commented 1 year ago


Very excellent project!

I download your code, and make the comparison between std::unordered_map/robin_hood/unordered_dense.

I only do the benchmark on find elements. Your code is astonishingly fast. All results are with type similar to std::unordered_map<int, int>.

For finding an element in a map with 1000 elements. Here is my result: unordered_map : 15ns emhash_table7: 3.6 emhash_table8: 4.2 unordered_dense: 5.6 robin_hood: 7.8

Your implement is the fastest in terms of finding elements with 100% hit. However, which table is the fastest in all your implementations? I only tried table7 and table8.

Best, Deshun

hitdshu commented 1 year ago

I also want to ask another question. How do I support key of the type std::pair<int, int> in your current hash_table7?

ktprime commented 1 year ago

speed depends on your case.

for big key-value( sizeof(k+v) >= 24 ) emhash8 (hash_table8.hpp) is good choice, it's a dense hash map.

if you care about inserting speed or high load factor(>0.95) emhash7 is better.

emhash5 hash_table5.hpp is more efficient for erasing and find hit 100%. (add marco EMH_FIND_HIT can improve 10%)

more ressuly as flow you can try run my bench https://github.com/ktprime/emhash/blob/master/bench/ebench.cpp g++ -I.. -I../thirdparty -O3 -march=native -DET=1 -std=17 -DHOOD_HASH=1 -DABSL=1 ebench.cpp -o eb

ktprime commented 1 year ago

I also want to ask another question. How do I support key of the type std::pair<int, int> in your current hash_table7?

you need a hash function if key is not integer or string. it's as same as std::unordered_map

hitdshu commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your kind reply.

I'll use your emhash7 in my project as it is both fast at insert and find.

And for key type of std::pair<int, int>, if your emhash7 is the same as std::unordered_map, I think boost::hash_combine might be appropriate here.

Best, Deshun

ktprime commented 1 year ago

my code focus on optimiazing finding hit. some my bench result as follow.

-------------------------------- function benchmark -----------------------------------------------
  64        emhash5                100.0%
  66        emhash6                98.2%
  75        emhash8                85.8%
  99        emhash7                65.5%

  86        emhash6                100.0%
  87        emhash5                98.6%
  91        emhash8                94.1%
  96        emhash7                89.4%

  76        emhash5                100.0%
  82        emhash6                92.7%
  85        emhash7                89.3%
  95        emhash8                79.4%

  82        emhash8                100.0%
  92        emhash6                88.7%
  94        emhash5                87.1%
  97        emhash7                83.8%

  83        emhash5                100.0%
  84        emhash7                99.3%
  85        emhash6                98.0%
  97        emhash8                85.8%

  84        emhash5                100.0%
  85        emhash7                97.7%
  88        emhash6                94.8%
  95        emhash8                87.9%

  67        emhash8                100.0%
  78        emhash5                86.8%
  95        emhash6                70.9%
  98        emhash7                68.8%

   6        emhash8                100.0%
  26        emhash7                25.5%
  27        emhash6                24.9%
 100        emhash5                6.8%

  76        emhash5                100.0%
  86        emhash6                89.1%
  89        emhash7                86.3%
  96        emhash8                79.4%

  33        emhash5                100.0%
  58        emhash8                57.5%
  91        emhash6                36.8%
 100        emhash7                33.7%

  46        emhash7                100.0%
  53        emhash6                87.7%
  83        emhash5                55.9%
  92        emhash8                50.1%

  79        emhash6                100.0%
  86        emhash7                91.8%
  94        emhash5                84.7%
  94        emhash8                84.1%

  74        emhash7                100.0%
  85        emhash6                87.1%
  87        emhash5                85.0%
  99        emhash8                75.3%

  81        emhash7                100.0%
  85        emhash6                94.7%
  91        emhash5                89.0%
  96        emhash8                84.4%

  68        emhash6                100.0%
  74        emhash7                92.5%
  80        emhash5                85.1%
  97        emhash8                70.7%

  78        emhash5                100.0%
  81        emhash6                97.0%
  84        emhash7                92.9%
  98        emhash8                79.7%

======== hash  top1   top2  top3 =======================
      emhash5  1.0  15.0   16
      emhash6 27.0   6.0    0
      emhash7  0.0  14.0   18
      emhash8  7.0   0.0    1
======== hash    score  weigh ==========================
      emhash8    81     95.5%
      emhash7    81     95.5%
      emhash6    84     98.8%
      emhash5    85     100.0%
hitdshu commented 1 year ago

Well, could you explain more about the generated table a bit?

I run your benchmark and got similar output, but I could not understand its concrete meaning...

ktprime commented 1 year ago

the following function case erase_50 means removing 50% keys from the hash map.

  64        emhash5                100.0%
  66        emhash6                98.2%
  75        emhash8                85.8%
  99        emhash7                65.5%

emhash5 performance score is 100 (large is better, 64 is total time used "累计时间").

with many rand data cases and the average performace as follow (including many function cases).

======== hash    score  weigh ==========================
      emhash8    81     95.5%
      emhash7    81     95.5%
      emhash6    84     98.8%
      emhash5    85     100.0%

my bench code uses more than10 hash function(interger key), >10 thirdpaty hash map. key/value can set to int, long, string and big struct.

g++ -O3 -march=native -mtune=native -I.. -I../thirdparty -DABSL=1 -DHOOD_HASH=1 -DRT=2 -DTKey=2 -DTVal=1 -DET=1 -std=c++17 ebench.cpp -o ebench

keyType = string, valueType = int64_t(8 bit)

-------------------------------- function benchmark -----------------------------------------------
  63        emhash8                100.0%
  71        emilib2                88.2%
  75        phmap_flat             83.2%
  79        absl_flat              79.7%
  80        emhash5                78.1%
  85        martin_flat            73.5%
  92        emhash6                68.3%
  96        emhash7                65.3%

  53        phmap_flat             100.0%
  54        emhash8                98.1%
  55        absl_flat              95.6%
  62        emilib2                85.3%
  62        emhash6                84.3%
  63        emhash7                83.2%
  65        emhash5                80.7%
 100        martin_flat            53.0%

  38        emhash8                100.0%
  50        emhash5                76.7%
  51        martin_flat            74.4%
  52        emhash7                74.2%
  57        emilib2                67.2%
  58        emhash6                65.5%
  75        absl_flat              50.9%
 100        phmap_flat             38.6%

  27        absl_flat              100.0%
  31        phmap_flat             87.4%
  32        martin_flat            85.8%
  33        emilib2                83.6%
  39        emhash8                69.5%
  66        emhash7                41.9%
  93        emhash6                29.6%
  94        emhash5                29.3%

  48        emhash8                100.0%
  69        absl_flat              69.8%
  70        emhash5                68.8%
  82        emhash7                59.0%
  85        emilib2                56.6%
  87        emhash6                55.3%
  88        phmap_flat             54.9%
  89        martin_flat            54.1%

  54        emhash8                100.0%
  65        absl_flat              83.3%
  76        emhash5                72.0%
  78        emilib2                70.2%
  81        phmap_flat             67.4%
  82        martin_flat            66.3%
  83        emhash7                65.4%
  99        emhash6                55.0%

  54        emhash8                100.0%
  60        phmap_flat             89.2%
  61        emilib2                87.5%
  63        absl_flat              84.8%
  75        martin_flat            71.5%
  86        emhash5                62.8%
  90        emhash6                60.0%
  95        emhash7                56.7%

  10        emhash8                100.0%
  26        emhash7                39.5%
  26        emhash6                39.0%
  28        emilib2                36.3%
  40        martin_flat            25.9%
  41        phmap_flat             25.1%
  42        absl_flat              24.6%
 100        emhash5                10.4%

  41        phmap_flat             100.0%
  43        emhash6                95.1%
  44        emhash7                93.6%
  46        emhash5                90.1%
  49        emhash8                85.1%
  49        emilib2                84.4%
  59        absl_flat              69.9%
 100        martin_flat            41.7%

  58        emilib2                100.0%
  59        phmap_flat             98.3%
  60        absl_flat              96.7%
  63        emhash8                92.1%
  75        martin_flat            77.2%
  79        emhash7                73.4%
  95        emhash5                61.0%
  97        emhash6                60.0%

  29        emhash6                100.0%
  29        emhash7                99.5%
  39        emhash8                74.5%
  52        absl_flat              55.9%
  54        emilib2                54.1%
  61        phmap_flat             47.5%
  78        martin_flat            37.5%
  99        emhash5                29.5%

  42        absl_flat              100.0%
  42        phmap_flat             100.0%
  50        emilib2                84.2%
  62        emhash8                68.9%
  64        emhash7                65.9%
  66        emhash6                64.3%
  71        emhash5                59.6%
 100        martin_flat            42.7%

  49        emhash6                100.0%
  50        emhash8                97.7%
  50        emhash7                97.5%
  55        emhash5                89.4%
  59        emilib2                84.0%
  85        martin_flat            58.2%
  92        absl_flat              53.9%
  94        phmap_flat             52.3%

  45        phmap_flat             100.0%
  49        absl_flat              93.3%
  54        emilib2                84.3%
  70        emhash8                65.1%
  71        emhash5                64.1%
  73        emhash6                62.1%
  78        emhash7                58.8%
  94        martin_flat            48.6%

  42        phmap_flat             100.0%
  44        absl_flat              96.5%
  52        emilib2                81.5%
  65        emhash8                65.1%
  66        emhash7                64.6%
  66        emhash6                64.0%
  73        emhash5                57.8%
 100        martin_flat            42.7%

======== hash  top1   top2  top3 =======================
    absl_flat  0.0   3.0    1
      emhash7  0.0   0.0    2
      emhash8  6.0   1.0    0
      emilib2  1.0   2.0    3
   phmap_flat  0.0   1.0    1
======== hash    score  weigh ==========================
  martin_flat    56     64.7%
      emhash5    61     70.7%
      emhash6    66     76.2%
      emhash7    68     78.9%
   phmap_flat    75     86.8%
      emilib2    76     87.4%
    absl_flat    76     87.5%
      emhash8    87     100.0%
hitdshu commented 1 year ago

Thanks very much for your very kind reply.

Another question. It turns out I also need one hash set.... Does the four hash sets implemented in your code has similar speed? I'll take time to benchmark your hash set as well in this weekend.

Best, Deshun

hitdshu commented 1 year ago

Another question. If I want to cache the table memory across several function calls. Which hash table/hash set is possible? Can I directly clear the table/set at the start of each function call and the memory is still reused?

hitdshu commented 1 year ago

Another question. If I want to cache the table memory across several function calls. Which hash table/hash set is possible? Can I directly clear the table/set at the start of each function call and the memory is still reused?

As an example:

emhash::hash_map<int, int> cache_map; for (auto i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { cache_map.clear(); // *****other operations }

Can this cache the memory of the hash_map across the iterations? I.e., is the memory only allocated once if space allowed?

ktprime commented 1 year ago

if u want to release memory of hash map , just call shrink_to_fit() or swap it with a empty map. clear() only removes cache data(call destruction) without memory release. call reserve() keep memory allocated.

emhash::hash_map<int, int> cache_map(1024);  //keep at least 1024 free nodes, in fact capacity = 2048 nodes are allocated
cache_map.max_load_factor(0.8) ;             // rehash if load_factor = size() / capacity > 0.8. 
cache_map.reserve(1024 *4)                   // call rehash and alloc more memory.
cache_map.clear()                            // call destruction of each node
cache_map.shrink_to_fit(0.2)                 // release memory if load_factor < 0.2
hitdshu commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your answers