An R package to generate new R packages in a standardised format
We will first develop this package so that it resembles a complete "example" package, with all the features that we collectively want including:
local/notebooks/reports directories with README files explaining what they can be used for and a couple of basic examples
2 or 3 basic functions in R along with roxygen docs, plus another couple that are not exported (ignore the epipkg_create.R file that is currently there)
GitHub actions
2 or 4 basic tests
An example vignette
We will then write a vignette that explains where everything goes and how to get started (see epipkg.Rmd for a basic start)
As a last step, Matt will move the "example package" under inst/ and then write the template code that will be part of the epipkg itself. Functions will be:
epipkg_create() to check out a repo from GitHub, check it is blank, create the basic package template and push changes back to GitHub
epipkg_data() to add data-raw and data directories and examples if needed
epipkg_Rcpp() to ann an Rcpp module etc
Maybe other things to be added (perhaps including pkgdown if this is unnecessarily complex to add from the start)