kuangyu0801 / design-pattern-cpp

Practice design pattern in modern C++.
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Repo is for practice design pattern in modern C++.




SOLID Design Principles

Every object should have a single responsibility and that all of its services should be aligned with that responsibility. “Responsibility” is defined as “a reason to change”.

OCP is about allowing change, but doing it without requiring you to modify existing code.

Classes should be open for extension, and closed for modification.

Once you have a class that works and is being used, you don't want to make changes to it unless you have to. Change is a constant in software development. With OCP, we allow for change through extension rather than through modification of existing code.

High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Instead, they should both depend on abstractions.

If a class exposes so many members that those members can be broken down into groups that serve different clients that don’t use members from the other groups , you should think about exposing those member groups as separate interfaces.

larger interfaces should be split into smaller ones. By doing so, we can ensure that implementing classes only need to be concerned about the methods that are of interest to them.

Gamma Categorization

Adapter Pattern

Adapter Pattern converts the interface of a class into another interface the clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces

Composite Pattern

Builder Pattern

The intent of the Builder design pattern is to separate the construction of a complex object from its representation.


Factory Pattern



Flyweight Pattern

A space optimization technique that lets us uses less memory by storing externally the data associated with similar objects.

Decorator Pattern


Decorator pattern allows a user to add new functionality to an existing object without altering its structure. This type of design pattern comes under structural pattern as this pattern acts as a wrapper to existing class.

Template Pattern


Strategy Pattern 的優缺點 Strategy Pattern 的優點是可以讓我們在 runtime 時,自由地去切換需要的 strategy,提供更大的彈性。另外,因為不同的邏輯都各自存放在不同的 strategy class 裡面,所以也更好維護和擴充。

Strategy Pattern vs Template Pattern Template Pattern 是透過 inheritance 的方式,產生不同的 subclass,來改變一個功能中的某些部分。Strategy Pattern 則是透過 composition 的方式,把不同的 strategy 放到 context 中,來改變一個功能中的某些部分。因此 Template Pattern 的改變是 class 層的變化也是靜態的,而strategy pattern 的改變是 object 層的變化,它是相對動態的,它可以在執行過程中再去改變。

Proxy Pattern

A class that functions as an interface to a particular resources. That resource may be remote, expensive to construct, or may require logging or some other added functionality.

Proxy vs Decorator

State Pattern

Chain of Responsibiliy


BIG PICTURE Use the Command pattern when you want to execute queue operations, schedule their execution, or execute them remotely. Imagine a job queue: you add commands to the queue on one end, and on the other end sit a group of threads. Threads run the following script: they remove a command from the queue, call its execute() method, wait for the call to finish, then discard the command object and retrieve a new one.

Use the Command pattern when you want to parameterise objects with operations and you don’t have a common interface. The Command pattern can turn a specific method call into a stand-alone object. This change opens up a lot of interesting uses: you can pass commands as method arguments, store them inside other objects, switch linked commands at runtime, etc.



Mediator Pattern

The intent of the Mediator Pattern is to reduce the complexity and dependencies between tightly coupled objects communicating directly with one another. This is achieved by creating a mediator object that takes care of the interaction between dependent objects. Consequently, all the communication goes through the mediator.

Prototype Pattern

A partially or fully initialzed object that you copy(clone) and make use of.

Unit Test

Show output log: bazel test --test_output=all //solid_ocp:ocp_test

UML Diagram

C++ Trivial

C++中换行endl和\n的区别: https://blog.csdn.net/u011675745/article/details/51939094