kubecz3k / FiniteStateMachine

FSM plugin for Godot
MIT License
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Finite state machine plugin for Godot engine

Finite state machine plugin for Godot. It allows you to setup your states easily inside your project. Basically it consist of "Finite state machine" node which is able to hold child nodes that are representing individual states. It's created with the ease of additional states creation in mind, you can create them automatically from FSM node inspector, you just need to write new state name and proper script file will be created automatically, and node will be added as a child to the FSM node. The file will be created in special "states" folder inside folder that's holding currently edited scene.

There are couple of options inside FSM node:

For more informations on various options and how to use this node, check readme section of FSM node script. Before downloading please check branch! Master is for Godot 3.5.x