kubernetes-sigs / aws-fsx-csi-driver

CSI Driver of Amazon FSx for Lustre https://aws.amazon.com/fsx/lustre/
Apache License 2.0
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aws csi fsx k8s-sig-aws kubernetes

GitHub release (latest SemVer) Go Report Card

Amazon FSx for Lustre CSI Driver


The Amazon FSx for Lustre Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver implements CSI specification for container orchestrators (CO) to manage lifecycle of Amazon FSx for Lustre filesystems.


For help with troubleshooting, please refer to our troubleshooting doc.


For installation and deployment instructions, please refer to our installation doc

CSI Specification Compatibility Matrix

AWS FSx for Lustre CSI Driver \ CSI Version v0.3.0 v1.x.x
v1.2.0 no yes
v1.1.0 no yes
v1.0.0 no yes
v0.10.1 no yes
v0.10.0 no yes
v0.9.0 no yes
v0.8.3 no yes
v0.8.2 no yes
v0.8.1 no yes
v0.8.0 no yes
v0.7.1 no yes
v0.7.0 no yes
v0.6.0 no yes
v0.5.0 no yes
v0.4.0 no yes
v0.3.0 no yes
v0.2.0 no yes
v0.1.0 yes no


The following CSI interfaces are implemented:

FSx for Lustre CSI Driver on Kubernetes

The following sections are Kubernetes-specific. If you are a Kubernetes user, use the following for driver features, installation steps and examples.

Kubernetes Version Compatibility Matrix

AWS FSx for Lustre CSI Driver \ Kubernetes Version v1.11 v1.12 v1.13 v1.14-16 v1.17+
v1.2.0 no no no no yes
v1.1.0 no no no no yes
v1.0.0 no no no no yes
v0.10.1 no no no no yes
v0.10.0 no no no no yes
v0.9.0 no no no no yes
v0.8.3 no no no no yes
v0.8.2 no no no no yes
v0.8.1 no no no no yes
v0.8.0 no no no no yes
v0.7.1 no no no no yes
v0.7.0 no no no no yes
v0.6.0 no no no no yes
v0.5.0 no no no no yes
v0.4.0 no no no yes yes
v0.3.0 no no no yes yes
v0.2.0 no no no yes yes
v0.1.0 yes yes yes no no

Container Images

FSx CSI Driver Version Image
v1.2.0 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v1.2.0
v1.1.0 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v1.1.0
v1.0.0 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v1.0.0
v0.10.1 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.10.1
v0.10.0 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.10.0
v0.9.0 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.9.0
v0.8.3 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.8.3
v0.8.2 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.8.2
v0.8.1 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.8.1
v0.8.0 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.8.0
v0.7.1 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.7.1
v0.7.0 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.7.0
v0.6.0 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.6.0
v0.5.0 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.5.0
v0.4.0 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.4.0
v0.3.0 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.3.0
v0.2.0 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.2.0
v0.1.0 public.ecr.aws/fsx-csi-driver/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.1.0




Before the example, you need to:

Example links


Please go through CSI Spec and General CSI driver development guideline to get some basic understanding of CSI driver before you start.



Dependencies are managed through go module. To build the project, first turn on go mod using export GO111MODULE=on, to build the project run: make



This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.