kubernetes-sigs / gcp-filestore-csi-driver

The Google Cloud Filestore Container Storage Interface (CSI) Plugin.
Apache License 2.0
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gcp k8s-sig-gcp


Google Cloud Filestore CSI driver for use in Kubernetes and other container orchestrators.

Disclaimer: Deploying this driver manually is not an officially supported Google product. For a fully managed and supported filestore experience on kubernetes, use GKE with the managed filestore driver.

Project Overview

This driver allows volumes backed by Google Cloud Filestore instances to be dynamically created and mounted by workloads.

Project Status

Status: GA

Latest image: registry.k8s.io/cloud-provider-gcp/gcp-filestore-csi-driver:v1.6.13

Also see known issues and CHANGELOG.

The manifest bundle which captures all the driver components (driver pod which includes the containers csi-external-provisioner, csi-external-resizer, csi-external-snapshotter, gcp-filestore-driver, csi-driver-registrar, csi driver object, rbacs, pod security policies etc) can be picked up from the master branch overlays directory. We structure the overlays directory per minor version of kubernetes because not all driver components can be used with all kubernetes versions. For example volume snapshots are supported 1.17+ kubernetes versions thus stable-1-16 driver manifests does not contain the snapshotter sidecar. Read more about overlays here.

Example: stable-1-19 overlays bundle can be used to deploy all the components of the driver on kubernetes 1.19. stable-master overlays bundle can be used to deploy all the components of the driver on kubernetes master.

CSI Compatibility

This plugin is compatible with CSI version 1.3.0.

Plugin Features

Supported CreateVolume parameters

This version of the driver creates a new Cloud Filestore instance per volume. Customizable parameters for volume creation include:

Parameter Values Default Description
tier "standard"/"basic_hdd"
"standard" storage performance tier
network string "default" VPC name.
When using "PRIVATE_SERVICE_ACCESS" connect-mode, network needs to be the full VPC name.
reserved-ipv4-cidr string "" CIDR range to allocate Filestore IP Ranges from.
The CIDR must be large enough to accommodate multiple Filestore IP Ranges of /29 each, /26 if enterprise tier is used.
reserved-ip-range string "" IP range to allocate Filestore IP Ranges from.
This flag is used instead of "reserved-ipv4-cidr" when "connect-mode" is set to "PRIVATE_SERVICE_ACCESS" and the value must be an allocated IP address range.
The IP range must be large enough to accommodate multiple Filestore IP Ranges of /29 each, /26 if enterprise tier is used.
connect-mode "DIRECT_PEERING"
"DIRECT_PEERING" The network connect mode of the Filestore instance.
To provision Filestore instance with shared-vpc from service project, PRIVATE_SERVICE_ACCESS mode must be used.
instance-encryption-kms-key string "" Fully qualified resource identifier for the key to use to encrypt new instances.

For Kubernetes clusters, these parameters are specified in the StorageClass.

Note that non-default networks require extra firewall setup

Current supported Features

Future Features

Deploying the Driver

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/kubernetes-sigs
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kubernetes-sigs
git clone https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gcp-filestore-csi-driver.git
$ PROJECT=<your-gcp-project> GCFS_SA_DIR=<your-directory-to-store-credentials-by-default-home-dir> ./deploy/project_setup.sh
GCP_FS_CSI_STAGING_VERSION=<your-custom-tag> GCP_FS_CSI_STAGING_IMAGE=gcr.io/<your-project>/gcp-filestore-csi-driver make build-image-and-push

Once the image is pushed it can be verified by visiting https://pantheon.corp.google.com/gcr/images/<your-project>/global/gcp-filestore-csi-driver

$ PROJECT=<your-gcp-project> DEPLOY_VERSION=<your-overlay-choice> GCFS_SA_DIR=<your-directory-to-store-credentials-by-default-home-dir> ./deploy/kubernetes/cluster_setup.sh

After this, the driver can be used. See ./docs/kubernetes for further instructions and examples.

$ PROJECT=<your-gcp-project> DEPLOY_VERSION=<your-overlay-choice> ./deploy/kubernetes/cluster_cleanup.sh

Kubernetes Development

$ PROJECT=<your-gcp-project> DEPLOY_VERSION=dev ./deploy/project_setup.sh
$ NODE_SCOPES=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform KUBE_GCE_NODE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME>@$PROJECT.iam.gserviceaccount.com kubetest --up
$ PROJECT=<your-gcp-project> DEPLOY_VERSION=dev ./deploy/kubernetes/cluster_setup.sh

Gcloud Application Default Credentials and scopes

See here, here and here

Filestore IAM roles and permissions

See here

Driver Release [Google internal only]