kubernetes-sigs / usage-metrics-collector

High fidelity and scalable capacity and usage metrics for Kubernetes clusters
Apache License 2.0
123 stars 21 forks source link
capacity kubernetes metrics prometheus-exporter utilization

Usage Metrics Collector

The usage-metrics-collector is a Prometheus metrics collector optimized for collecting kube usage and capacity metrics.


Why not just use promql and recording rules?







collector side-cars

Exposed Metrics

A sample of the exposed metrics is available in METRICS.md.

In addition to these metrics, a series of performance related metrics are published for the collection process. These metrics are documented in performance analysis document.

Getting started

Note: No usage-metrics-collector container image is publicly hosted. Folks will need to build and publish this own until this is resolved.

Installing into a cluster

Kind cluster

Important: requires using cgroups v1.

  1. Create a kind cluster
    • kind create cluster
  2. Build the image
    • docker build . -t usage-metrics-collector:v0.0.0
  3. Load the image into kind
    • kind load docker-image usage-metrics-collector:v0.0.0
  4. Install the config
    • kustomize build config | kubectl apply -f -
  5. Update your context to use the usage-metrics-collector namespace by default
    • kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=usage-metrics-collector

Kicking the tires

  1. Make sure the pods are healthy
    • kubectl get pods
  2. Make sure the services have endpoints
    • kubectl describe services
  3. Get the metrics from the collector itself
    • kubectl exec -t -i $(kubectl get pods -o name -l app=metrics-prometheus-collector) -- curl localhost:8080/metrics
    • wait for service to be ready
    • kubectl port-forward service/metrics-prometheus-collector 8080:8080
    • visit localhost:8080/metrics in your browser
  4. Get the metrics from prometheus
    • kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods -o name -l app=prometheus) 9090:9090
    • visit localhost:9090/ in your browser
  5. View the metrics in Grafana
    • kubectl port-forward service/grafana 3000:3000
    • visit localhost:3000 in your browser
    • enter admin for the username and password
    • go to "Explore"
    • change the source to "prometheus"
    • enter kube_usage_ into the metric field
    • remove the label filters
    • click "Run Query"

Specifying aggregation rules

  1. Edit config/metrics-prometheus-collector/configmaps/collector.yaml
  2. Run make run-local
  3. View the updated metrics in grafana

Code of conduct

Participation in the Kubernetes community is governed by the Kubernetes Code of Conduct.