kubescape / operator

Operator is an in-cluster component of the Kubescape security platform. It allows clients to connect to itself, listens for commands from the connected clients and controls other in-cluster components according to received commands.
Apache License 2.0
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The Operator component is at the heart of Kubescape as it is the triggering engine for the different actions in the cluster; It responds to REST API requests and messages received over websocket connections, and triggers the relevant action in the cluster. Such actions could be triggering a configuration scan, an image vulnerability scan, defining a recurring scan (by creating CronJobs), etc.

Running Operator

Build Operator go build .
Run the executable. You can run the executable as a stand-alone and as part of the Kubescape cluster components.


  1. Add configuration files.
/etc/config/capabilities.json ```json5 { "capabilities": { "configurationScan": "enable", "continuousScan": "disable", "networkGenerator": "disable", "nodeScan": "enable", "otel": "enable", "relevancy": "enable", "runtimeObservability": "disable", "seccomp": "disable", "vulnerabilityScan": "enable" }, "components": { "gateway": { "enabled": true }, "hostScanner": { "enabled": true }, "kollector": { "enabled": true }, "kubescape": { "enabled": true }, "kubescapeScheduler": { "enabled": true }, "kubevuln": { "enabled": true }, "kubevulnScheduler": { "enabled": true }, "nodeAgent": { "enabled": true }, "operator": { "enabled": true }, "otelCollector": { "enabled": true }, "storage": { "enabled": true } }, "configurations": { "persistence": "enable", "server": { "account": null, "url": "foo.com" } } } ```
/etc/config/clusterData.json ```json5 { "gatewayWebsocketURL": "", "gatewayRestURL": "", "kubevulnURL": "", "kubescapeURL": "", "accountID": "*********************", "clusterName": "******" } ```
/etc/config/config.json ```json5 { "cleanupdelay": 600000000000, "matchingrulesfilename": "/etc/config/matchingRules.json", "namespace": "kubescape", "port": "4002", "triggersecurityframework": false, "workerconcurrency": 3 } ```
/etc/config/services.json ```json5 { "version": "v1", "response": { "event-receiver-http": "https://report.armo.cloud", "event-receiver-ws": "wss://report.armo.cloud", "gateway": "wss://ens.euprod1.cyberarmorsoft.com", "api-server": "https://api.armosec.io", "metrics": "otelcol.armosec.io:443" } } ```

If continuous scanning is enabled, add the following configuration file (change to the relevant values):

/etc/config/matchingRules.json ```json5 { "match": [ { "apiGroups": [ "apps" ], "apiVersions": [ "v1" ], "resources": [ "deployments" ] } ], "namespaces": [ "default" ] } ```

API Documentation

The Operator provides an HTTP API.

You can learn more about the API using one of the provided interactive OpenAPI UIs:

Environment Variables

Check out utils/environmentvariables.go

Example Requests

Trigger an Action

Example ``` curl -X POST http:///v1/triggerAction -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "commands": [ { "CommandName": "scan", "WildWlid": "wlid://cluster-minikube-v1" } ] }' ```

Trigger Kubescape scanning

Example ``` curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "commands": [ { "CommandName": "kubescapeScan", "args": { "scanV1": { "submit": true } } } ] }' \ ```

Create a CronJob that will repeatedly trigger a Kubescape scanning all frameworks

Example ``` curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "commands": [ { "CommandName": "setKubescapeCronJob", "args": { "kubescapeJobParams": { "cronTabSchedule": "* * * * *" }, "scanV1": { "submit": true } } } ] }' \ ```

Create a CronJob that will repeatedly trigger a Kubescape scann according to a specific framework

Example ``` curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "commands": [ { "CommandName": "setKubescapeCronJob", "args": { "kubescapeJobParams": { "cronTabSchedule": "* * * * *" }, "scanV1": { "submit": true, "targetType": "framework", "targetNames": [ "nsa" ] } } } ] }' \ ```

Trigger Kubevuln scanning

Example ``` curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "commands": [ { "CommandName": "scan", "WildWlid": "wlid://cluster-minikube-v1" } ] }' \ ```

Create a CronJob that will repeatedly trigger a Kubevuln scan

Example ``` curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "commands": [ { "CommandName": "setVulnScanCronJob", "WildWlid": "wlid://cluster-minikube/namespace-systest-ns-chj8", "args": { "jobParams": { "cronTabSchedule": "* * * * *" } } } ] }' \ ```

Update a CronJob that repeatedly triggers a Kubevuln scan

Example ``` curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "commands": [ { "CommandName": "updateVulnScanCronJob", "args": { "jobParams": { "cronTabSchedule": "* * * * *", "name": "vuln-scan-scheduled-2393196145723502557" } } } ] }' \ ```

Delete a CronJob that repeatedly triggers a Kubevuln scan

Example ``` curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "commands": [ { "CommandName": "deleteVulnScanCronJob", "args": { "jobParams": { "cronTabSchedule": "2 0 * * *", "name": "vuln-scan-scheduled-605400646375517620" } } } ] }' \ ```

VS code configuration samples

You can use the sample files below to setup your VS code environment for building and debugging purposes.

.vscode/launch.json ```json5 { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Launch Package", "type": "go", "request": "launch", "mode": "auto", "program": "${workspaceRoot}", "env": { "PORT": "4002", "NAMESPACE": "kubescape", "CONFIG": "${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/clusterData.json", }, "args": [ "-alsologtostderr", "-v=4", "2>&1" ] } ] } ``` We configured the Operator to listen to port 4002, and define the configuration in the clusterData.json file [as mentioned above](https://github.com/kubescape/operator#preparations).

and also need to open the ports of the other in-cluster components, as mentioned above.

Running Operator as stand-alone

The Operator also supports running as a stand-alone. For this you need to define in the config file, for the relevant values that will be empty. For example:

.vscode/clusterData.json ```json5 { "gatewayWebsocketURL": "", "gatewayRestURL": "", "kubevulnURL": "", "kubescapeURL": "", "accountID": "*********************", "clusterName": "******" } ```

Also do not specify a service config file for the backend addresses.