kubesphere-sigs / ks

ks is a tool that makes it be easy to work with KubeSphere.
MIT License
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ks app update command report error: "failed to push changes, error is: failed to push branch, error is: failed to commit changes, error is author field is required" #264

Open smallersoup opened 2 years ago

smallersoup commented 2 years ago

I use ks app update command, as follows:

ks app update --app-name test11111 --app-namespace testqgg2s --name old-image-addr --newName new-image-addr:newtag --git-password 'O>hx@q012I' --git-username=app-mwcn --git-target-branch dev

encountered an error:

failed to push changes, error is: failed to push branch, error is: failed to commit changes, error is author field is required

I checked the source code and probably found the code location where the problem is:

image image