kubesphere-sigs / ks

ks is a tool that makes it be easy to work with KubeSphere.
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ks is a tool which makes it be easy to work with KubeSphere.


Get started

Install it via hd:

curl -L https://github.com/linuxsuren/http-downloader/releases/latest/download/hd-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar xzv
sudo mv hd /usr/bin/hd
hd install kubesphere-sigs/ks


All features below work with KubeSphere instead of other concept.

➜  ~ kubectl ks com
Manage the components of KubeSphere

  ks component [command]

  component, com

Available Commands:
  edit        Edit the target component
  enable      Enable or disable the specific KubeSphere component
  exec        Execute a command in a container.
  kill        Kill the pods of the components
  log         Output the log of KubeSphere component
  reset       Reset the component by name
  watch       Update images of ks-apiserver, ks-controller-manager, ks-console


➜  ~ kubectl ks pip
  ks pipeline [flags]
  ks pipeline [command]

  pipeline, pip

Available Commands:
  create      Create a Pipeline in the KubeSphere cluster
  delete      Delete a specific Pipeline of KubeSphere DevOps
  edit        Edit the target pipeline
  view        Output the YAML format of a Pipeline

  -h, --help   help for pipeline

Use "ks pipeline [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Install KubeSphere with kind or kk

  ks install [command]

Available Commands:
  kind        Install KubeSphere with kind
  kk          Install KubeSphere with kubekey (aka kk)