kubesphere / ksbuilder

A CLI tool helps you to manage the development of kubesphere extensions
MIT License
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ksbuilder is a CLI tool to create, publish, and manage KubeSphere extensions.


Download the latest ksbuilder release and then install it to /usr/local/bin:

tar xvzf ksbuilder_<version>_<arch>.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin/

Create your first KubeSphere extension

You can use ksbuilder create to create a KubeSphere extension interactively.

$ cd <project-directory>
$ ksbuilder create

Please input extension name: test
✔ ai-machine-learning
Please input extension author: ia
Please input Email (optional):
Please input author's URL (optional):
Directory: /path/test

The extension charts has been created.

The extension directory created looks like below:

├── README.md
├── README_zh.md
├── applicationclass.yaml
├── charts
│   ├── backend
│   │   ├── Chart.yaml
│   │   ├── templates
│   │   │   ├── NOTES.txt
│   │   │   ├── deployment.yaml
│   │   │   ├── extensions.yaml
│   │   │   ├── helps.tpl
│   │   │   ├── service.yaml
│   │   │   └── tests
│   │   │       └── test-connection.yaml
│   │   └── values.yaml
│   └── frontend
│       ├── Chart.yaml
│       ├── templates
│       │   ├── NOTES.txt
│       │   ├── deployment.yaml
│       │   ├── extensions.yaml
│       │   ├── helps.tpl
│       │   ├── service.yaml
│       │   └── tests
│       │       └── test-connection.yaml
│       └── values.yaml
├── extension.yaml
├── permissions.yaml
├── static
│   ├── favicon.svg
│   └── screenshots
│       └── screenshot.png
└── values.yaml

Then you can customize your extension like below:

  enabled: true
repository:  <YOUR_REPO>/<extension-name>
    tag: latest

  enabled: true
    repository: <YOUR_REPO>/<extension-name>
    tag: latest
apiVersion: extensions.kubesphere.io/v1alpha1
kind: APIService
  name: v1alpha1.<extension-name>.kubesphere.io
  group: <extension-name>.kubesphere.io
  version: v1alpha1                                      
  url: http://<extension-name>-backend.default.svc:8080
  state: Available
apiVersion: extensions.kubesphere.io/v1alpha1
kind: JSBundle
  name: v1alpha1.<extension-name>.kubesphere.io
    url: http://<extension-name>-frontend.default.svc/dist/<extension-name>-frontend/index.js
  state: Available
  link: /dist/<extension-name>-frontend/index.js

Publish/Unpublish your KubeSphere extension

You can publish/unpublish KubeSphere extension to KubeSphere cluster once it's ready:

ksbuilder publish/unpublish <extension-name>

Push and submit your extension to KubeSphere Cloud

Create API access token

  1. Register an account on KubeSphere Cloud.
  2. Open KubeSphere Marketplace, click on "Become a service provider," sign the agreement, and become an extension service provider (i.e., developer).
  3. Open https://kubesphere.cloud/user/setting/, click on "Security," then click "Create Token," check "Extension Component," and click "Generate." The generated token is the cloud API key, formatted like kck-xxx. Please keep it safe.

Login to KubeSphere Cloud

Use the ksbuilder login subcommand to login to KubeSphere Cloud:

$ ksbuilder login
✔ Enter API token: ***

Login Succeeded


$ ksbuilder login -t xxx

Login Succeeded

Push and submit the extension

Use the ksbuilder push subcommand to submit the plugin to KubeSphere Cloud. The push subcommand is similar to publish and the target can be either a directory or a packaged .tgz file:

$ ksbuilder push tower

$ ksbuilder push tower-1.0.0.tgz

NOTE: We will upload static files such as icons and screenshots in the extension to the KubeSphere Cloud separately and delete the static file directory in the original package to reduce the size of the entire chart.

Check the extension status

After submitting the extension, it needs to be approved by an administrator before it can be listed on KubeSphere Marketplace. You can use the ksbuilder get or ksbuilder list subcommands to check the status of the extension:

$ ksbuilder list

ID                   NAME                STATUS              LATEST VERSION
469804312491467933   devops              ready               1.0.0
482307830796264605   kubeblocks          ready               0.6.3
$ ksbuilder get tower

Name:     tower
ID:       515518094316151974
Status:   draft

515518094316217510   1.0.0     submitted   2024-05-27 09:37:05

Please refer to KubeSphere extension development guide for more details on extension packaging and releasing.