kubevirt / node-maintenance-operator

A Kubernetes Operator to manage node maintenance through NodeMaintenance custom resources
Apache License 2.0
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Deprecation Notice

March 17, 2022

KubeVirt's Node Maintenance Operator (NMO) is deprecated in favor of Medik8s's NMO, thus NMO under KubeVirt is moving to a maintenance mode only and we are not taking PRs except for urgent bug fixes.

Node Maintenance Operator (NMO)

The node-maintenance-operator (NMO) is an operator generated from the operator-sdk. The purpose of this operator is to watch for new or deleted custom resources (CRs) called NodeMaintenance which indicate that a node in the cluster should either:

Note: The current behavior of the operator is to mimic kubectl drain <node name> as performed in Kubevirt - evict all VMs and Pods on a node

Build and run the operator

There are two ways to run the operator:

Deploy the latest version

After every PR merge to master images were build and pushed to quay.io. For deployment of NMO using these images you need:

Then run operator-sdk run bundle quay.io/kubevirt/node-maintenance-operator-bundle:latest

Build and deploy from sources

Follow the instructions here for deploying the operator with OLM.

Note: Webhook cannot run using make deploy, because the volume mount of the webserver certificate is not found.

Setting Node Maintenance

Set Maintenance on - Create a NodeMaintenance CR

To set maintenance on a node a NodeMaintenance CustomResource should be created. The NodeMaintenance CR spec contains:

Create the example NodeMaintenance CR found at config/samples/nodemaintenance_v1beta1_nodemaintenance.yaml:

$ cat config/samples/nodemaintenance_v1beta1_nodemaintenance.yaml
apiVersion: nodemaintenance.kubevirt.io/v1beta1
kind: NodeMaintenance
  name: nodemaintenance-sample
  nodeName: node02
  reason: "Test node maintenance"

$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/nodemaintenance_v1beta1_nodemaintenance.yaml

$ kubectl logs <nmo-pod-name>
{"level":"info","ts":1551794418.6742408,"logger":"controller_nodemaintenance","msg":"Reconciling NodeMaintenance","Request.Namespace":"default","Request.Name":"node02"}
{"level":"info","ts":1551794418.674294,"logger":"controller_nodemaintenance","msg":"Applying Maintenance mode on Node: node02 with Reason: Test node maintenance","Request.Namespace":"default","Request.Name":"node02"}
{"level":"info","ts":1551783365.7430992,"logger":"controller_nodemaintenance","msg":"WARNING: ignoring DaemonSet-managed Pods: default/local-volume-provisioner-5xft8, kubevirt/disks-images-provider-bxpc5, kubevirt/virt-handler-52kpr, openshift-monitoring/node-exporter-4c9jt, openshift-node/sync-8w5x8, openshift-sdn/ovs-kvz9w, openshift-sdn/sdn-qnjdz\n"}
{"level":"info","ts":1551783365.7471824,"logger":"controller_nodemaintenance","msg":"evicting pod \"virt-operator-5559b7d86f-2wsnz\"\n"}
{"level":"info","ts":1551783365.7472217,"logger":"controller_nodemaintenance","msg":"evicting pod \"cdi-operator-55b47b74b5-9v25c\"\n"}
{"level":"info","ts":1551783365.747241,"logger":"controller_nodemaintenance","msg":"evicting pod \"virt-api-7fcd86776d-652tv\"\n"}
{"level":"info","ts":1551783365.747243,"logger":"controller_nodemaintenance","msg":"evicting pod \"simple-deployment-1-m5qv9\"\n"}
{"level":"info","ts":1551783365.7472336,"logger":"controller_nodemaintenance","msg":"evicting pod \"virt-controller-8987cffb8-29w26\"\n"}

Set Maintenance off - Delete the NodeMaintenance CR

To remove maintenance from a node, delete the corresponding NodeMaintenance CR:

$ kubectl delete nodemaintenance nodemaintenance-sample

$ kubectl logs <nmo-pod-name>
{"level":"info","ts":1551794725.0018933,"logger":"controller_nodemaintenance","msg":"Reconciling NodeMaintenance","Request.Namespace":"default","Request.Name":"node02"}
{"level":"info","ts":1551794725.0021605,"logger":"controller_nodemaintenance","msg":"NodeMaintenance Object: default/node02 Deleted ","Request.Namespace":"default","Request.Name":"node02"}
{"level":"info","ts":1551794725.0022023,"logger":"controller_nodemaintenance","msg":"uncordon Node: node02"}

NodeMaintenance Status

The NodeMaintenance CR can contain the following status fields:

apiVersion: nodemaintenance.kubevirt.io/v1beta1
kind: NodeMaintenance
  name: nodemaintenance-xyz
  nodeName: node02
  reason: "Test node maintenance"
  phase: "Running"
  lastError: "Last failure message"
  pendingPods: [pod-A,pod-B,pod-C]
  totalPods: 5
  evictionPods: 3

phase is the representation of the maintenance progress and can hold a string value of: Running|Succeeded. The phase is updated for each processing attempt on the CR.

lastError represents the latest error if any for the latest reconciliation.

pendingPods PendingPods is a list of pending pods for eviction.

totalPods is the total number of all pods on the node from the start.

evictionPods is the total number of pods up for eviction from the start.


Run code checks and unit tests

make check

Run e2e tests

  1. Deploy the operator as explained above
  2. run make cluster-functest


Creating a new release

For new minor releases:

For every major / minor / patch release: