kuenishi / presto-riak

presto connector of Riak database
Apache License 2.0
16 stars 1 forks source link


Build Status Build Status

Riak connector for prestodb. RP is for development environment. The latest information and examples are in RP repository.

build and installation

You need riak directory in Presto plugin directory, with hive-hadoop1 and so on.

$ mvn package
$ mv target/presto-riak-<version>.jar path/to/presto/plugin/presto-riak


Use pb port.

$ cat riak.properies


## uses default 'riak'
## presto.erlang.cookie=riak
$ cp riak.properties path/to/presto/etc/catalog
$ ./presto-cli --server localhost:8080 --catalog riak --schema t

test - the schema in Riak doesn't appear but it works (it's just because Riak does not have PB api related to bucket types). That's why bucket type creation before inserting all data is required.

presto:t> show catalogs;
(2 rows)
presto:t> use riak.t;
presto:t> show schemas;
(3 rows)

Now Riak connector working.

run (this is a bit stale result)

presto:t> show tables;
(1 row)
presto:t> explain select * from foobartable;
                                                  Query Plan
 - Output[col1, col2, __pkey]
         __pkey :=
     - TableScan[riak:default:foobartable, original constraint=true] => [col1:varchar, col2:bigint, :varchar]
             col1 := RiakColumnHandle{connectorId=riak, columnName=col1, columnType=STRING, ordinalPosition=0}
             col2 := RiakColumnHandle{connectorId=riak, columnName=col2, columnType=LONG, ordinalPosition=1}
              := RiakColumnHandle{connectorId=riak, columnName=__pkey, columnType=STRING, ordinalPosition=2}

(1 row)
presto:default> select * from foobartable;
 col1 | col2 | __pkey
 yey  |   34 | k
 yey  | NULL | k3
 yey  |   34 | k2
(3 rows)

presto:default> select * from logs l, users u where l.accessor = u.id;
      timestamp      | method | status | accessor | id | name |   army
 2014-04-12-00:03:00 | GET    |    200 |        0 |  0 | Solo | Freelance
 2014-04-12-00:03:00 | GET    |    204 |        5 |  5 | Solo | Freelance
 2014-04-12-00:03:00 | GET    |    503 |        4 |  4 | Fett | Freelance
 2014-04-12-00:03:00 | GET    |    404 |        2 |  2 | Solo | Freelance
 2014-04-15-00:04:00 | GET    |    301 |        1 |  1 | Fett | Freelance
 2014-04-15-00:04:00 | GET    |    200 |        5 |  5 | Solo | Freelance
 2014-04-15-00:04:00 | GET    |    200 |        2 |  2 | Solo | Freelance
(7 rows)

Query 20140517_073059_00004_hk6si, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 8 total, 8 done (100.00%)
0:00 [6 rows, 258B] [12 rows/s, 522B/s]

presto:default> explain select * from logs l, users u where l.accessor = u.id;
                                                                     Query Plan
 - Output[timestamp, method, status, accessor, id, name, army]
     - InnerJoin[("accessor" = "id")] => [timestamp:varchar, method:varchar, status:bigint, accessor:bigint, id:bigint, name:varchar, army:varchar]
         - TableScan[riak:riak:default:logs, original constraint=true] => [timestamp:varchar, method:varchar, status:bigint, accessor:bigint]
                 timestamp := riak:RiakColumnHandle{connectorId=riak, columnName=timestamp, type=varchar, index=false, ordinalPosition=0}
                 method := riak:RiakColumnHandle{connectorId=riak, columnName=method, type=varchar, index=false, ordinalPosition=1}
                 status := riak:RiakColumnHandle{connectorId=riak, columnName=status, type=bigint, index=false, ordinalPosition=2}
                 accessor := riak:RiakColumnHandle{connectorId=riak, columnName=accessor, type=bigint, index=false, ordinalPosition=3}
         - TableScan[riak:riak:default:users, original constraint=true] => [id:bigint, name:varchar, army:varchar]
                 id := riak:RiakColumnHandle{connectorId=riak, columnName=id, type=bigint, index=false, ordinalPosition=0}
                 name := riak:RiakColumnHandle{connectorId=riak, columnName=name, type=varchar, index=false, ordinalPosition=1}
                 army := riak:RiakColumnHandle{connectorId=riak, columnName=army, type=varchar, index=false, ordinalPosition=2}

(1 row)


Presto doesn't create tables, schemas etc.

$ bin/presto-riak-ctl
presto-riak CLI. create table, create schema, drop... >
usage: ./presto-riak-cli <hostname> <port> [<commands>... ]
   list-tables <schema name>
   setup-schema <schema name>
   create-tabledef <schema name> <table definition json file>
   show-tabledef <schema name> <table name>
   clear-tabledef <schema name> <table name>
   check-tabledef <schema name> <table definition json file>

Where a table definition json file looks like this (users.json):

  {"name":"id", "type":"bigint", "index":true},
  {"name":"name", "type":"varchar", "index":true, "pkey":true},
  {"name":"army", "type":"varchar", "index":true}]}

See also logs.json and bin/testdata.py for test data and schema.

Design and Data layout

Concept correspondence:

These metadatas are stored in special bucket __presto_schema with special key __schema has a JSON like this:

    "tables": [ "table-a", "table-b" ]

Each table corresponds to bucket. Table definitions are stored in special bucket __presto_schema with key <table_name>. in the key there is a JSON like this:

    "columns": [
            "name": "col1",
            "type": "varchar",
            "index": false,
            "pkey": true
            "name": "col2",
            "type": "bigint",
            "index": true
    "format":"JSON" | "json" | "msgpack" (?) ...
    "name": "spam"

Any tool to create this style of schema?

Primary keys

A property pkey is a boolean property that indicates the column is primary key, namely a key in Riak. You can put the property into value as JSON, but that will be overwritten when you run any query, by Riak key. If pkey is not set in schema, is is just ignored, where you can refer the Riak key with a column named __key. (__vtag is also a column ... that will be implemented in the future)


Given nested JSON object like this.

{ "id": 100,
  "name": "Obi One Kenobi",
  "army": "Rebellion",
  "inventory" : [
    { "name" : "Light saber", "weight" : 1.0 },
    { "name" : "Sandal", "weight" : 0.5 }

To handle nested JSON objects, subtables can be included in a table schema definition, with JSONpath specified. All nested objects that match the json path spec are to be handled as single raw of a subtable.

  {"name":"id", "type":"bigint", "index":true},
  {"name":"name", "type":"varchar", "index":true, "pkey":true},
  {"name":"army", "type":"varchar", "index":true}],
  "subtables" :
     name: "inventory",
     path: "$.inventory.*",
     columns: [
      {"name":"name", "type":"varchar", "index":false},
      {"name":"weight", "type":"float", "index":false}

With this schema, you can query your inventory like SELECT count(*) FROM "users/inventory" GROUP BY __key , or SELECT count(*) FROM "users/inventory" i, users u WHERE u.name = i.__key GROUP BY u.army. Please note that the latter runs join operation, where all keys are read twice. This is something hard to optimize, a future work.

Types supported

Correspondence from JSON to SQL types,

and no support for timestamps, maps, arrays for now.


There can be several levels of optimization.

Predicates are passed to RiakSplitManager (implements ConnectorSplitManager) as TupleDomain . It includes all information for selection. Normal connector generates splits in ConnectorSplitManager.getPartitions() , splits are maybe with HDFS location associated with predicates or partition keys.

Notes and Future

dev setup


$ git clone git:github.com/basho/riak
$ cd riak
$ make stage
$ sed -e 's/storage_backend = bitcask/storage_backend = leveldb/' -i.back rel/riak/etc/riak.conf
$ sed -e 's/## ring_size = 64/ring_size = 8/' -i.back rel/riak/etc/riak.conf
$ cp ldna.beam rel/riak/lib/basho-patches
$ ulimit -n 4096
$ rel/riak/bin/riak start
$ rel/riak/bin/riak-admin bucket-type create <schemaname>
$ rel/riak/bin/riak-admin bucket-type activate <schemaname>

Version compatibility

Prestodb presto-riak Riak
0.88 0.0.5 2.0.2
0.100 0.0.6 2.0.5
0.112 0.1.1 2.1.1


Distributed under Apached 2.0 license, (C) Kota UENISHI.