kukimik / dhall-sublime-syntax-highlighting

Dhall syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
MIT License
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Dhall Syntax Highlighting

Syntax highlighting for the Dhall configuration language.

Based on the VS Code Dhall syntax higlighting package (which in turn was heavily influenced by the now non-existant Sublime Dhall package).

This repository is just for the convenience of Sublime Text users, so that they can install Dhall syntax higlighting using Package Control. The real development should take place in https://github.com/dhall-lang/vscode-language-dhall.

Note that the syntax definition is a Textmate language grammar file (a .tmLanguage file). We do not provide a .sublime-syntax file (yet?).


The original VS Code package is MIT-licensed. Any modifications to the original code are also MIT-licensed. See LICENSE.

Converting the VS Code syntax highlighting definition

The provided dhall.tmLanguage file is the result of a simple conversion of the VS Code syntax highlighting definition from JSON to PLIST.

To perform the conversion manually (using VS Code):

  1. Install the Dhall Language Support VS Code extension.
  2. Install the TextMate Languages VS Code extension.
  3. Locate the file dhall.tmLanguage.json and open it in VS Code.
  4. Press Ctrl+Shift+P, choose Convert to tmLanguage PLIST file.
  5. Manually add the comment and fileTypes sections:
    <string>Syntax highlighting for Dhall. MIT-licensed, see: https://github.com/kukimik/dhall-sublime-syntax-highlighting/blob/master/LICENSE.</string>