kulkarniswapnil / cordova-honeywell-plugin

Honeywell laser barcode scanner plugin -
MIT License
4 stars 3 forks source link

Original plugin


I have just copied all the code from above source and added extra properties as per my need. Original plugin was not ale to scan EAN-13 and some more. I enabled almost everyting.

Tested on CT60 9.0

Works with Capacitor and React project as well

So all credit goes to the original one.


Ionic: ionic cordova plugin add cordova-honeywell-plugin

Cordova: cordova plugin add cordova-honeywell-plugin

Capacitor: npm i cordova-honeywell-plugin

Usage & implementation exactly like original one

Call .listen to capture scans using the device's physical buttons. Call .scan within your application to enable a "software" triggerd scan. You can disable the capturing by calling .release and enable it back by calling .claim followed by .listen method. You can also simulate a softare button to enable the reader behaving in the same way as the hardware scan button(s).

TIP: In Ionic, in order to access the window property, you may need to add window: any = window just above your constructor.

Enable listener

window.plugins.honeywell.listen(function(data) {
  console.log('Scanned: ' + data);
}, function (error) => {
  console.log('Error occured: ' + error);

Disable listener

function disable() {

Re-enable listener after being disabled (.release)

function enable() {
    window.plugins.honeywell.listen(function(data) {
      console.log('Scanned: ' + data);
    }, function (error) => {
      console.log('Error occured: ' + error);