kumakore / kumakore-sdk

Kumakore SDK
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not require session id for get leaderboards, achievements, products #14

Open chbfiv opened 10 years ago

chbfiv commented 10 years ago

https://app.asana.com/0/7331140212593/7400407554127 C.H. Bourke Floyd IV Because this is a task for all SDK's, I won't assign it, but will implement it. Aug 23 at 5:16pm C.H. Bourke Floyd IV This task is currently a non-issue because my base request will add the session_id if it's available. This would provide more information than is required, but once the server task is complete I'll move these actions into a different base that doesn't send the sessionId Sep 13 at 11:11am C.H. Bourke Floyd IV assigned to C.H. Bourke Floyd IV.Sep 13 C.H. Bourke Floyd IV added to android.Sep 13 C.H. Bourke Floyd IV Jason Yang Grant Yang We still always send our Session Id w/ requests if available. Would you like me to not send the session id with these requests? Nov 2 at 5:17pm Jason Yang If it doesn't require it we probably shouldn't send it. Probably makes multi user easier later.