kumakore / kumakore-sdk

Kumakore SDK
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Kumakore SDK Overview

The Kumakore SDK for Android, iOS, .NET, and Unity®.

The Kumakore Service is a web service that provides RESTful API's to handle all the backend services; e.g., leaderboards, achievements, application, users, facebook, friends, inventory, matches, push, and datastore. The Kumakore SDK makes it easier to use the Kumakore Services both synchronously or asynchronously through the Kumakore SDK.

See releases tab for latest download of the Kumakore SDK

Basic synchronous action w/ callbacks

delegates for .NET/iOS, interfaces for Android

Here's an example of a synchronous signin call. A signin action object is created with an email. Then sync() makes a syncrhonous (blocking) call and when complete executes the delegate/interface with the results.

// C#
// startup
KumakoreApp app = new KumakoreApp(API_KEY, DASHBOARD_VERSION);

// load KumakoreApp state.

app.signin(email, password).sync(delegate(ActionUserSignin action) {
    if(action.getCode() == StatusCodes.SUCCESS) {
        //Do something
// Java
// startup
KumakoreApp app = new KumakoreApp(API_KEY, DASHBOARD_VERSION);

// load KumakoreApp state.

app().signin(email, password).sync(new ActionUserSignin.IKumakore() {
    public void onActionUserSignin(ActionUserSignin action) {
        if (action.getStatusCode() == StatusCodes.SUCCESS) {
            //Do something
// Objective-C
// startup
KKApplication *app = [self createKKApplicationInstance];
[app updateDashboardVersion:nil];

KKUser *user = [[KKUser alloc] init:app];
KKUserData *userData = [self getValidLoginCredentials];

__block KKReturnStatus *rc;
void (^returnBlock)(KKReturnStatus*) = ^(KKReturnStatus* returnCode) {
    rc = returnCode;
[user syncSignIn:userData callback:returnBlock];

The callback gets a signin action object where you can query the status of the action's execution. Of course a synchronous call isn't a very interesting use of a callback. If you repleace sync with async you will now have a non-blocking execution of the action, and when it returns it will using the same delegate/interfaces to notifiy the completion of the action.
