kunerd / clerk

Hardware independent HD44780 LCD library written in Rust
MIT License
12 stars 1 forks source link
hd44780 rust-embedded rust-lang


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Hardware independent HD44780 LCD library written in Rust

The library's goal is to provide a high level interface to control HD44780 compliant LCD displays. It does not rely on std and therefore it should work on PCs as well as on embedded devices. Its main goal is to provide all features defined in the HD44780 spec.

Current state

This library is actively maintained and most of the features described in the HD44780 spec are implemented. The current work mainly concentrates on providing a first stable version.





Getting started/help

Have a look at the How-to for a detailed description on getting started with clerk on a RaspberryPi.

If you have any questions, just create a ticket or ping me on Mozillas IRC channels #rust or rust-embedded.


All kinds of contributions are highly welcome (see TODOs). Create tickets with feature requests, design ideas and so on. You can also find me on Mozillas IRC channel #rust and #rust-embedded.


This project is licensed under MIT license (LICENSE or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)