kungfrank / pw_ndt_automotive_radar_scan_matching

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The implementation of automotive radar scan matching proposed in "A Normal Distribution Transform-Based Radar Odometry Designed For Scanning and Automotive Radars " , accepted for publication in the IEEE ICRA 2021. This repo contain four ROS packages. Please place them in a catkin workspace to build and run the codes.

Radar Odometry on nuScences Dataset

Testing Environment

Ubuntu 16 / 18
ROS Kinetic / Melodic

Getting Started

Download nuScenes Dataset in Rosbag Format

You can download the sample data from our server: rosbag1, rosbag2, rosbag3, rosbag4

Compile the Package

$ cd <your catkin workspace>
$ catkin build conti_radar ro_msg radar_odometry nuscenes

Launch the Code

$ roslaunch nuscenes tf_nu.launch
$ roslaunch nuscenes radar_GND_RO.launch

Run Rosbag

$ cd <where your rosbag locate>
$ rosbag play -r 1 log62_1542193241547892_scene-0997.bag log62_1542193261546825_scene-0998.bag log62_1542193281648047_scene-0999.bag log62_1542193301547950_scene-1000.bag --clock

After running the rosbag, you should see:

f time: 1542193320.81622
fl time: 1542193320.84337
fr time: 1542193320.83125
bl time: 1542193320.86423
br time: 1542193320.85886
vel time: 1542193320.81622
iterations_: 31 final eps_: 4.59515e-06
2D Normal Distributions Transform has converged: 1 score: 0.535393
travel_dis: 339.49557
f time: 1542193320.89124
fl time: 1542193320.91828
fr time: 1542193320.90609
bl time: 1542193320.94426
br time: 1542193320.93456
vel time: 1542193320.89124
iterations_: 31 final eps_: 7.50436e-06
2D Normal Distributions Transform has converged: 1 score: 2.95933
travel_dis: 340.00385

Visualize Result in rviz

$ rosrun rviz rviz -d ./config.rviz

If you want to visualize doppler measurements of radar, you have to run the following command.

$ roslaunch nuscenes radar_viz.launch 

Then you should see this in rviz:

Visualize Probabilistic Submap and Normal Distribution Map

$ python radar_odometry/src/viz/viz_sd_from_sparse.py
$ python radar_odometry/src/viz/viz_sparse_ndmap.py

The result should look like this.

Probabilistic Submap:


Normal Distribution Map:
