kura120 / Blookware

A blooket cheat that works [not anymore, discontinued]
1 stars 0 forks source link
blooket cheats



Bookmark Download Method [SAFE]

1. Download code from [`source.min.js`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kuraise/Blookware/main/src/source.min.js) 2. Go to bookmark manager `chrome://bookmarks/` 3. Press the three buttons on the top right 4. Press `Import Bookmark` 5. And choose the `main.js` script that you downloaded 6. Choose a name, press save, and you're done, just press the bookmark on any site in blooket

Bookmark Copy+Paste Code Method [SAFE]

1. copy the code from [`source.min.js`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kuraise/Blookware/main/src/source.min.js) 2. Go to bookmark manager `chrome://bookmarks/` 3. Press add new bookmark 4. Enter whatever name you want on the `Name` section 5. Paste the code in the `URL` section **MAKE SURE "javascript: " IS IN THE BEGINNING OF THE CODE 6. Press save and you're done, just press the bookmark on any site in blooket

Website Bookmark Drag Method [SAFE]

1. Head to the [`Blookware`](https://blookware.vercel.app) site 2. Drag the Blooket logo on the Blookware site to your blookmarks 3. You're done, go into blooket and click on the "Blookware" bookmark

Inspect Console Code [UNSAFE/BANNABLE]

1. copy the code from [`source.min.js`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kuraise/Blookware/main/src/source.min.js) 2. Go to blooket 3. press `CTRL+SHIFT+I` 4. go to the `Console` section 5. Paste the code


For Developers

##### YOU MAY EDIT THIS PRODUCT, FORK, OR CREATE A PULL REQUEST FOR THIS PROJECT AND EDIT THE FILES IN YOUR OWN REPO AS YOU WISH this product was meant for learning purposes which means you can fork / copy this project and edit it's contents as you wish.


This project is not affiliated with Blooket or any other site/application, it is neither mine or the developer's fault for the result of misusage of the code. This project was just created for the improvement of my programming and educational purposes for others to learn. Again, me or anyone else who has helped develop this product is not affiliated with Blooket or any other sites/applications. This product can be discontinued at any times and for any reason, if not discontinued you may create a issue and make sure to post what feature does not work or a glitch (you must show or describe how the glitch is caused).