kurdin / console-remote

Remote JavaScript Console.Re Connector for Node.js and Browsers
MIT License
177 stars 26 forks source link


Console Remote Server is available here: https://github.com/kurdin/console-remote-server

Try all Console Remote examples at RunJS.co https://runjs.co/s/g7LRa7LU1

Remote JavaScript Console.Re connector script for advanced logging, debugging and testing

Send log, debug or test information from any webpage, web mobile app or node.js server to remote logger. View output results on any device: tablet, phone or desktop in a separate browser window at http://console.re/project-channel-name.

Connector script extends console object adding new methods for sending messages to remote logger with:

console.re.log(); console.re.info(); console.re.debug(); console.re.warn(); console.re.error(); console.re.count(); console.re.test(); console.re.type(); console.re.assert(); console.re.time(); console.re.timeEnd(); console.re.now(); console.re.trace(); console.re.clear(); console.re.mark();

Moreover, while using in browsers, you can log information about DOM elements, CSS properties, track Media Queries and Window size changes with:

console.re.size(); console.re.css(); console.re.media();

Remote JavaScript Console simplifies front-end (in browsers) and backend (in node.js) web development and testing. No plugins, no browser extensions required, pure JavaScript.

Console.Re connector (client) script works in all major browsers (desktop or mobile) and node.js servers running on Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Note: This is a client script, not a server. With this code, you can connect and send messages to any project-channel-name you want on our public http://console.re server, you can see your logs at http://console.re/project-channel-name. If you need your own private server please look at this: https://github.com/kurdin/console-remote-server

Warning: Use Console.Re for development and testing environments only. IT WONT WORK ON PRODUCTION WEBSITES AND SERVERS.

What's New in Version 2

Console API has new methods

console.re.now(label) - returns the relative distance between two time points, measured in milliseconds

console.re.type() - returns the type of a variable or property

console.re.mark([label]) - action to mark current log position in console output with optional label

Console connector has a new options

redirectDefaultConsoleToRemote (:boolean) - if true, default calls to console.[log|warn|error|debug] methods will be redirected to remote console log calls

disableDefaultConsoleOutput (:boolean) - if true, default console log output will be removed for all remote console log calls

server (:string) - remote console server url, to connect and output remote logs to your own, remote console server, default is http://console.re

Console API shortcuts

relog() shortcut for console.re.log()

instead of using console.re.log('test'), now you can use a shortcut relog('test');

re.[api]() shortcut for console.re.[api]()

instead of using console.re.log('test'), now you can use a shortcut re.log('test'); or console.re.test('test') has shortcuts re.test('test');

console.re.[api] shortcuts

instead of using console.re.log('test'), now you can use a shortcut console.re.l('test') or re.l('test');

Full list of API shortcuts

Installation and Use


  1. Install module using npm as follows:
npm install console-remote-client
  1. In your node.js app, use require to include module and connect to remote server:
const consolere = require('console-remote-client').connect({
  server: 'https://console.re', // optional, default: https://console.re
  channel: 'YOUR-CHANNEL-NAME' // required

in case your server supports import, use

import consolere from 'console-remote-client'

  server: 'https://console.re', // optional, default: https://console.re
  channel: 'YOUR-CHANNEL-NAME',
  1. [required] change connect function argument YOUR-CHANNEL-NAME to your own your-project-channel-name (any string)

  2. add in your code: console.re.log('remote log test');

  3. open remote logger in a separate browser: http://console.re/your-project-channel-name

  4. restart your app.js, and you should see in logger the following: [log] remote log test


Install with import. (recommended)

  1. install console-remote-client module
npm install console-remote-client
  1. import once into your javascript file. (in your app root index.js file)
import consolere from 'console-remote-client'
  1. connect with options for your server and channel
  server: 'https://console.re', // optional, default: https://console.re
  channel: 'YOUR-CHANNEL-NAME', // required
  redirectDefaultConsoleToRemote: true, // optional, default: false
  disableDefaultConsoleOutput: true, // optional, default: false

or use can use require

const consolere = require('console-remote-client').connect({
  server: 'https://console.re', // optional, default: https://console.re
  channel: 'YOUR-CHANNEL-NAME' // required
  1. [required] change YOUR-CHANNEL-NAME in attribute data-channel to your-project-channel-name (any string)

  2. in your JavaScript code: console.re.log('remote log test'); or console.log('remote log test'); if redirectDefaultConsoleToRemote is true.

Install with single <script> tag.

  1. open your template header or main HTML file and include connector.js FIRST thing in <head> tag or BEFORE any other <script> tags:
  1. [required] change YOUR-CHANNEL-NAME in attribute data-channel to your-project-channel-name (any string)

  2. add in your JavaScript code: console.re.log('remote log test');

  3. open remote logger in a separate browser: http://console.re/your-project-channel-name

  4. reload your webpage or app, you should see in logger the following: [log] remote log test

Below is an example how to include connector.js in <head>:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      data-options="redirectDefaultConsoleToRemote[optional], disableDefaultConsoleOutput[optional]"
    <script src="https://github.com/kurdin/console-remote/raw/main/js/lib/jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="https://github.com/kurdin/console-remote/raw/main/js/your-script1.js"></script>
    <script src="https://github.com/kurdin/console-remote/raw/main/js/your-script2.js"></script>

Install with inline javascript code. (in case you don't have access to head)

  1. include this code JavaScript BEFORE your code :
var consolere = {
  channel: 'YOUR-CHANNEL-NAME',
  api: '//console.re/connector.js',
  server: 'https://console.re' // optional
  options='redirectDefaultConsoleToRemote,disableDefaultConsoleOutput' // optional
  ready: function (c) {
    var d = document,
      s = d.createElement('script'),
    s.src = this.api
    s.id = 'consolerescript'
    s.setAttribute('data-channel', this.channel)
    if (this.options) {
      s.setAttribute('data-options', this.options)
    if (this.server) {
      s.setAttribute('data-server', this.server)
    s.onreadystatechange = s.onload = function () {
      if (!l) {
      l = true
  1. [required] change YOUR-CHANNEL-NAME in key channel to your-project-channel-name (any string)

  2. in your JavaScript code, use consolere.ready() callback to wrap console.re API:

consolere.ready(function () {
  console.re.log('remote log test')
  1. open logger in a separate browser: http://console.re/your-project-channel-name

  2. reload your webpage or app, you should see in logger the following: [log] remote log test


console.re.log() - re.log() | re.l() | relog()

Sends LOG level message with object, array, string, number, DOM Element to the remote console.

console.re.log(object|array|selector|'string %s',string|'string %d',number,[,object, ...]);

Interpolation allows to insert the value of next argument inside previous string with %s or %d. See usage examples.

console.re.info() - re.info() | re.i()

Sends INFO level message to remote console with optional arguments same as console.re.log().


console.re.warn() - re.warn() | re.w()

Sends WARN level message to remote console with optional arguments same as console.re.log().


console.re.debug() - re.debug() | re.d()

Sends DEBUG level message to remote console with optional arguments same as console.re.log().


console.re.error() - re.error() | re.e()

Sends ERROR level message to remote console with optional arguments same as console.re.log().


console.re.size() - re.size() | re.s()

Displays size of DOM element(s), width and height for given selector(s) or displays current Window size if called with no arguments. Use any jQuery selectors if jQuery library included in project. This is browser only API.


console.re.css() - re.css() | re.cs()

Displays value of specified CSS properties in array for given selector(s). Use any jQuery selectors if jQuery library included in project. This is browser only API.

console.re.css(selector,['property','property2', ... 'propertyN']);

console.re.media() - re.mq() | re.mq()

Displays value of CSS Media Queries for current Window size. An optional 'watch' argument sets listener to display value of Media Queries on browser's resize or device's orientation change events. This is browser only API.


Displays all types of Media Queries for current Window size included screen and print. This is browser only API.


console.re.now() - re.now() | re.n()

Creates a new performance timer under the given label, it returns the relative distance between two time points, measured in milliseconds


console.re.time() - re.time() | re.ti()

Creates a new timer under the given label. To stop timer and display time result, call console.re.timeEnd(label); with the same label.


console.re.timeEnd() - re.timeEnd() | re.te()

Stops timer and displays time result started before with given label.


console.re.type() - re.type() | re.t()

Displays the type of a variable or property


console.re.count() - re.count() | re.c()

Displays the number of times count call with given label was executed.


console.re.test() - re.test() | re.ts()

Displays result of test for given expression, object, string, array, number.

console.re.test('expression|string|array|object|number'[,object, ...]);

Use quotes to wrap logic and display original expression string along with the results. See usage examples.

console.re.assert() - re.assert() | re.a()

Tests if a given expression is true. Only if false, it will display an error message. #####console.re.assert(expression, object?, message?);

console.re.trace() - re.trace() | re.t()

Displays stack trace of JavaScript execution at the point where it was called.


console.re.clear() - re.clear() | re.cl()

Clears remote console logs.


console.re.mark() - re.mark() | re.m()

Mark current log position in console with optional label.


Usage Examples

Logging String or Number value with interpolation. Try it on jsFiddle
var str = 'Test', num = 43;
console.re.log('This is a string %s and number %d', str, num);

// Remote Logger Output
[log] This is a string 'Test' and number 43
Logging {Object} and its content. Try it on jsFiddle
var obj = {key1:1,key2:2,key3:3};
console.re.log('This is an %s', obj);

// Remote Logger Output
[log] This is an {Object}
// clicking on {Object} opens its content
    "key1": 1,
    "key2": 2,
    "key3": 3
Logging [Array] and its content. Try it on jsFiddle
var arr = ['element1','element2','element3'];
console.re.log('This is an %s', arr);

// Remote Logger Output
[log] This is an [Array]
// clicking on [Array] opens its content
Logging DOM elements and its HTML content with JavaScript or jQuery selectors. Try it on jsFiddle

Note: using jQuery selectors requires jQuery library to be included in your project.

console.re.log('This is an %s', document.body, 'Paragraphs %s:', $('p'));

// Remote Logger Output
[log] This is an <BODY Element>,Paragraphs [Array Elements]
// clicking on <BODY Element> opens its HTML content
 <div class="test">
  <p class="t4">test 4</p>
 <div class="test-two">
  <p class="t8">test-two 4</p>
In general, instead of log, you can use info,debug,error, or warn to ouput results with different log levels.
Logging test results for given expression. Try it on jsFiddle
console.re.test("1!==1","'this string'","[1,2,3,4,5,6]","document.body");

// Remote Logger Output
[test] 1!==1 is false,'this string' is "String",[1,2,3,4,5,6] is [Array],document.body is <BODY Element>‌
Logging message if a given expression is not true. Try it on jsFiddle
console.re.assert(1!==1, 'It is not true');

// Remote Logger Output
[assert] It is not true
Logging time passed between timer start and end calls with the same label. Try it on jsFiddle
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
  var b = document.body;

// Remote Logger Output
[time] 1000000-loops,started‌
[time] 1000000-loops,ends in 31 ms‌
Logging number of times counter called with the same label. Try it on jsFiddle
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  var b = document.body;
  console.re.count('loop number:%d');

// Remote Logger Output
[count] loop number:1‌
[count] loop number:2‌
[count] loop number:3‌
[count] loop number:10
Logging size in pixels of DOM elements or Window. Try it on jsFiddle

Note: using jQuery selectors requires jQuery library to be included in your project.

// get Window size
// get size of all P elements
console.re.size('all P elements %s', document.getElementsByTagName('p'));
// get size of DIV elements with class 'test' using jQuery

// Remote Logger Output
[size] Window Size: 1274px by 683px‌
[size] all P elements [Array]
[size] <DIV> 300px by 250px
Logging CSS properties for specified DOM elements. Try it on jsFiddle

Note: using jQuery selectors requires jQuery library to be included in your project.

// get value of CSS property 'background-color' of <body>
console.re.css(document.body, 'background-color');
// get value of CSS properties 'border' and 'color' for all P elements
console.re.css('P elements %s', document.getElementsByTagName('p'), ['border','color']);
// get value of CSS property 'margin' and 'padding' using jQuery
console.re.css('DIV.test %s', $('div.test'), ['margin','padding']);

// Remote Logger Output
[css] <BODY> background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);
[css] P elements [Array]
[css] DIV.test [Array]
// clicking on [Array] opens value of CSS properties
        "margin": "20px",
        "padding": "10px"
Logging Media Query rules used for current Window size. Try it on jsFiddle
// get applied Media Query rulers for current Window size
// get all types of Media Query applied, including print and screen
// get applied Media Query rulers and send updates on Window resize or device orientation change

// Remote Logger Output for each line
[media] screen and (max-width: 1080px) and (min-width: 320px)‌
Logging JavaScript Stack Trace information. Try it on jsFiddle
(function test(){
  console.re.trace('Stack Trace');

// Remote Logger Output
[trace] Stack Trace, [Array]
// clicking on [Array] opens current line stack trace information
Using [bbcodes] you can send message to remote logger in styles, colors and size. Try it on jsFiddle
console.re.error('output [i]any[/i] [size=15]errors[/size] using [red]Error log level[/red]')
  'output anything in colors: [red]%s[/red] [green]%s[/green] [blue]%s[/blue] [yellow]%s[/yellow] [orange]%s[/orange] [lime]%s[/lime] [white]%s[/white] [black]%s[/black]',
List of available bbcodes:

[b]bold[/b] [i]italic[/i] [u]underline[/u] [s]strike-through[/s] [size=X]1-20[/size]


[red] [green] [blue] [yellow] [orange] [lime] [white] [black]

Clearing remote logger console before sending a new messages. Try it on jsFiddle
console.re.info('first info message');
console.re.log('second log message');

// Remote Logger Output
[info] 'first info message'
[log] 'second log message'

Try more Console.Re API Demos on jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jQYs5/


Enjoy faster web development process!

Supported Platforms

Console.Re Connector API (client) works on Desktop, Mobile and Server:

Desktop browser:

Internet Explorer 6+

Safari 3+

Google Chrome 4+

Firefox 3+

Opera 10+

Mobile browser:

iPhone Safari

iPad Safari

Android WebKit

WebOs WebKit



Shell via Command Line Interface

Command Line (CLI)

Install it globally with npm as follows:

$ npm install console-remote-client -g

or get local copy and use npm link:

$ git clone https://github.com/kurdin/console-remote.git
$ cd console-remote
$ npm link

Run with:

$ consolere -c YOUR-CHANNEL-NAME log 'sent from command line'

where you need to change -c option YOUR-CHANNEL-NAME to your project-channel-name (any string)

You can edit ./console-remote-client/bin/config.js and permanently change YOUR-CHANNEL-NAME then you can run it without -c option:

$ consolere info 'sent from command line'

to see all available options and commands, use --help:

$ consolere --help

Run Tests


Change YOUR-CHANNEL-NAME to project-channel-name and run tests

Full list of API shortcuts

console.re.log -> console.re.l -> re.l

console.re.warn -> console.re.w -> re.w

console.re.info -> console.re.i -> re.i

console.re.debug -> console.re.d -> re.d

console.re.error -> console.re.e -> re.e

console.re.trace -> console.re.te -> re.te

console.re.time -> console.re.ti -> re.ti

console.re.timeEnd -> console.re.te -> re.te

console.re.count -> console.re.c -> re.c

console.re.size -> console.re.s -> re.s

console.re.assert -> console.re.a -> re.a

console.re.type -> console.re.t -> re.t

console.re.test -> console.re.ts -> re.ts

console.re.css -> console.re.cs -> re.cs

console.re.now -> console.re.n -> re.n

console.re.media -> console.re.mq -> re.mq

console.re.mark -> console.re.m -> re.m

console.re.clear -> console.re.cl -> re.cl

Public and Private Servers

For moderate use, you can connect and see your logging information on our public server at http://console.re for FREE. No registration required. Just install connector script and use any string as your channel name.

All information sent to the public server will be open for anyone who knows your channel name.

If you need a private and more secure solution, you can download and install your own, private console remote personal server.


Just install server and use standard connector's option server to connector with your private server.

All information sent to the private server will be more secured and no one can see it.

TypeScript Support

We have TypeScript definitions in file ./index.d.ts, this should be automaticly located by TypeScript configuration if your project has TypeScript.

In some cases, global console remote variables relog or re.[method] are not detected correctly by TypeScript and Eslint can start complaining about.

To fix that problem just add those lines to your local project.d.ts file:

declare var relog: (...message: any) => void
declare var re: {
  [key in any]: (...message: any) => void

More Information



Copyright (c) 2012 - 2021 Sergey Kurdin https://github.com/kurdin

Check my JavaScript Playground Web App https://runjs.co

Based on http://jsoverson.github.io/rcl Copyright (c) 2012 by Jarrod Overson


The MIT License (MIT)

Warning: Use Console.Re for Development and Testing environments only