kurtwarwick-new / homebridge-mi-kettle

MIT License
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Homebridge Mi Kettle

A homebridge plugin that exposes your Xiaomi Smart Kettle to HomeKit.


This plugin exposes the Xiaomi Smart Kettle as a switch device, with the switch power state representing the Kettle boile state. The current temperature is exposed through a linked Temperature Sensor.


Note: This plugin is dependent on the amazing [Cybele project]:https://github.com/Hypfer/Cybele by [Hypfer]:https://github.com/Hypfer.

Please follow the instructions provided by the project readme, or you can use the docker-compose setup that I am using, which can be found in the cybele-docker folder.


Configuration can be done using Homebridge Config UI X.


Sample Configuration

"accessories": [
      "accessory": "MiKettle",
      "debug": true,
      "name": "My Smart Kettle",
      "mac": "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF",
      "mqtt": {
        "url": "mqtt://username:password@mqtthost:port"

Configuration Definition

Retrieving the MAC for the Kettle

This guide assumes that you are using a Raspberry Pi. These should apply to any linux based device with bluetooth capabilities.

In order to retrieve the MAC address for your Kettle, please follow these steps

  1. Place your Raspberry Pi near your kettle.
  2. Execute this command
    sudo hcitool lescan
  3. You should see your kettle within the reuslt list
    B8:**:5A:**:FB:** (unknown)
    *E2:7C:**:45:**:12 MiKettle*
    53:**:1A:**:39:** (unknown)
    2A:D6:**:9A:**:23 (unknown)

If you get the error Set scan parameters failed: Input/output error try running

sudo hciconfig hci0 down
sudo hciconfig hci0 up