kuujo / vertigo

Flow-based programming for the Vert.x application platform.
Apache License 2.0
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Vertigo 0.7.0-RC2 has been released!

Vertigo 0.7.0 requires Vert.x 2.1

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Getting Started | Java User Manual | Javadoc

Javascript | Python

Vertigo is a durable polyglot event processing framework built on the Vert.x application platform. Combining concepts of cutting-edge real-time systems and flow-based programming, Vertigo allows real-time problems to be broken down into smaller tasks (as Vert.x verticles) and distributed across a Vert.x cluster.

For an in-depth explanation of how Vertigo works, see how it works


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Java User Manual

Note: Vertigo 0.7.x requires Vert.x 2.1

  1. Getting Started
  2. Networks
  3. Components
  4. Messaging
  5. Network Deployment and Clustering
  6. Cluster Management
  7. Cluster-wide Shared Data
  8. Hooks
  9. Logging
  10. How it works

Getting Started

This is a brief tutorial that will help guide you through high-level Vertigo concepts and go through a simple network example. Check out the repository for more examples.


Vertigo can be added to your project as a Maven dependency or included in your modules via the Vert.x module system.

Adding Vertigo as a Maven dependency


Including Vertigo in a Vert.x module

To use the Vertigo Java API, you can include the Vertigo module in your module's mod.json file. This will make Vertigo classes available within your module.

  "main": "com.mycompany.myproject.MyVerticle",
  "includes": "net.kuujo~vertigo~0.7.0-RC2"

You can also include the Vertigo utilities module which provides additional Java helpers for operating on Vertigo streams.

  "includes": "net.kuujo~vertigo-util~0.7.0-RC2"


Networks are collections of Vert.x verticles and modules that are connected together by input and output ports. Each component in a network contains processing logic, and connections between components indicate how messages should be passed between them. Networks can be created either in code or in JSON and can be deployed in code or from the command line.

Vertigo network


As with any Vert.x verticle, Vertigo components can be deployed with any number of instances. Components communicate with each other over the Vert.x event bus. But Vertigo doesn't use raw event bus addresses. Instead, components communicate through named output and input ports. This allows components to be abstracted from the relationships between them, making them reusable.

Messaging in Vertigo is inherently uni-directional. Components receive messages from other components on input ports and send messages to other components on output ports.

Direct connections

Messages are not routed through any central router. Rather, components communicate with each other directly over the event bus.

public class MyComponent extends ComponentVerticle {

  public void start() {
    input.port("in").messageHandler(new Handler<String>() {
      public void handle(String message) {


Ports do not have to be explicitly declared. Vertigo will lazily create ports if they don't already exist. Messages can be of any type that is supported by the Vert.x event bus. Vertigo guarantees that messages will always arrive in the order in which they were sent.

In cases where a connection connects two components with multiple instances, Vertigo facilitates special routing between the components with selectors.


While components receive messages on input ports and send messages to output ports, the network configuration is used to define how ports on different components relate to one another. Connections between components/ports in your network indicate how messages will flow through the network.

NetworkConfig network = vertigo.createNetwork("foo");
network.addComponent("bar", "bar.js", 2);
network.addComponent("baz", "baz.py", 4);
network.createConnection("bar", "out", "baz", "in");

The Vertigo Cluster

Vertigo provides its own cluster abstraction within the Vert.x cluster. Vertigo clusters are simple collections of verticles that manage deployment of networks, allow modules and verticles to be deploy remotely (over the event bus) and provide cluster-wide shared data structures. Clusters can be run either in a single Vert.x instance (for testing) or across a Vert.x cluster.


Rather than communicating over the unreliable event bus, Vertigo uses Hazelcast data structures to coordinate between the cluster and components. This is one of the properties that makes Vertigo networks fault-tolerant. Even if a failure occurs, the network configuration will remain in the cluster and Vertigo will automatically failover any failed components.

A Simple Network

Vertigo provides all its API functionality through a single Vertigo object.

Vertigo vertigo = new Vertigo(this);

The Vertigo object supports creating and deploying networks. Each language binding has an equivalent API.

NetworkConfig network = vertigo.createNetwork("word-count");
network.addComponent("word-feeder", RandomWordCounter.class.getName());
network.addComponent("word-counter", WordCounter.class.getName(), 2);
network.createConnection("word-feeder", "word", "word-counter", "word", new HashSelector());

Vertigo components can be implemented in a variety of languages since they're just Vert.x verticles. This network contains two components. The first component is a Python component that will feed random words to its word out port. The second component is a Javascript component that will count words received on its word in port. The network therefore defines a connection between the word-feeder component's word out port and the word-counter component's word in port.

Note that since we defined two instances of the word-counter component, it's important that the same words always go to the same instance, so we use a HashSelector on the connection to ensure the same word always goes to the same component instance.


import vertx
from vertigo import component, input

def start_handler(error=None):
  if not error:
    words = ['apple', 'banana', 'pear']
    def feed_random_word(timer_id):
      output.send('word', words[rand(len(words)-1)])
    vertx.set_periodic(1000, feed_random_word)

Here we simply send a random word to the word out port every second.


var input = require('vertigo/input');
var output = require('vertigo/output');

var words = {};
input.port('word').messageHandler(function(word) {
  if (words[word] === undefined) {
    words[word] = 0;
  output.port('count').send({word: word, count: words[word]});

This component registers a message handler on the word in port, updates an internal count for the word, and sends the updated word count on the count out port.

In order for a network to be deployed, one or more nodes of a Vertigo cluster must be running in the Vert.x cluster. Vertigo clusters are made up of simple Vert.x verticles. To deploy a cluster node deploy the vertigo-cluster module.

vertx runmod net.kuujo~vertigo-cluster~0.7.0-RC2 -conf cluster.json

The cluster configuration requires a cluster name.

  "cluster": "test-cluster"

A test cluster can also be deployed locally through the Vertigo API.

vertigo.deployCluster("test-cluster", new Handler<AsyncResult<Cluster>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<Cluster> result) {
    Cluster cluster = result.result();

Once the cluster has been deployed we can deploy a network to the cluster.


Vertigo also supports deploying networks from the command line using simple JSON configuration files. See deploying a network from the command line


Vertigo networks are collections of Vert.x verticles and modules that are connected together by the Vert.x event bus. Networks and the relationships therein are defined externally to their components, promoting reusability.

Each Vertigo network must have a unique name within the Vert.x cluster in which it is deployed. Vertigo uses the network name to coordinate deployments and configuration changes for the network.

Networks are made up of any number of components which can be arbitrarily connected by input and output ports. A Vertigo component is simple a Vert.x module or verticle, and can thus have any number of instances associated with it.

Creating a network

To create a new network, create a new Vertigo instance and call the createNetwork method.

Vertigo vertigo = new Vertigo(this);
NetworkConfig network = vertigo.createNetwork("my-network");

All Vertigo networks have an explicit, unique name. This name is very important to Vertigo as it can be used to reference networks from anywhere within a Vert.x cluster, but more on that later.

Adding components to a network

To add a component to the network, use one of the addVerticle or addModule methods.

network.addVerticle("foo", "foo.js");

The addVerticle and addModule methods have the following signatures:

Just as with networks, Vertigo components are explicitly named. The component name must be unique within the network to which the component belongs.

NetworkConfig network = vertigo.createNetwork("test");
network.addVerticle("foo", "foo.js", 2);
network.addModule("bar", "com.bar~bar~1.0", 4);

The NetworkConfig API also exposes an abstract addComponent method which detects whether the added component is a module or a verticle based on module naming conventions.

network.addComponent("foo", "foo.js", 2); // Adds a verticle component.
network.addComponent("bar", "com.bar~bar~1.0", 4); // Adds a module component.

Once a component has been added to the network, the component configuration will be returned. Users can set additional options on the component configuration. The most important of these options is the group option. When deploying networks within a Vert.x cluster, the group indicates the HA group to which to deploy the module or verticle.

Creating connections between components

A set of components is not a network until connections are created between those components. Vertigo uses a concept of ports to abstract input and output from each component instance. When creating connections between components, you must specify a component and port to which the connection connects. Each connection binds one component's output port with another component's input port.

To create a connection between two components use the createConnection method.

network.createConnection("foo", "out", "bar", "in");

The arguments to the createConnection method are, in order:

You may wonder why components and ports are specified by strings rather than objects. Vertigo supports reconfiguring live networks with partial configurations, so objects may not necessarily be available within the network configuration when a partial configuration is created. More on partial network deployment and runtime configuration changes in the deployment section.

Routing messages between multiple component instances

Just as with Vert.x verticles and modules, each Vertigo component can support any number of instances. But connections are created between components and not component instances. This means that a single connection can reference multiple instances of each component. By default, the Vert.x event bus routes messages to event bus handlers in a round-robin fashion. But Vertigo provides additional routing methods known as selectors. Selectors indicate how messages should be routed between multiple instances of a component.


Vertigo provides several selector types by default and supports custom selectors as well.

The ConnectionConfig API provides several methods for setting selectors on a connection.

Creating networks from JSON

Vertigo supports creating networks from json configurations. To create a network from json call the Vertigo.createNetwork(JsonObject) method.

JsonObject json = new JsonObject().putString("name", "test-network");

The JSON configuration format is as follows:

For example...

  "name": "my-network",
  "cluster": "test-cluster",
  "components": {
    "foo": {
      "name": "foo",
      "type": "verticle",
      "main": "foo.js",
      "config": {
        "foo": "bar"
      "instances": 2
    "bar": {
      "name": "bar",
      "type": "module",
      "module": "com.foo~bar~1.0",
      "instances": 4
  "connections": [
      "source": {
        "component": "foo",
        "port": "out"
      "target": {
        "component": "bar",
        "port": "in"
      "selector": {
        "type": "fair"

JSON network configurations can be used to deploy Vertigo networks from the command line using the vertx command line tool. For more information see deploying networks from the command line


Networks are made up of any number of components which are simply Vert.x verticles or modules that are connected together according to the network configuration. Each component is a "black box" that receives input on named input ports and sends output to named output ports. By their nature, components do not know from where they received messages or to where they're sending messages.

Creating a component

To create a Java component, extend the base ComponentVerticle class.

public class MyComponent extends ComponentVerticle {

  public void start() {



The ComponentVerticle base class is simply a special extension of the Vert.x Verticle that synchronizes with other components in the network at startup and provides Vertigo specific APIs. Once the component has completed startup it will call the start() method just like any other verticle.

The elements of a Vertigo component

The ComponentVerticle base class provides the following additional protected fields:

The most important of these variables is the input and output objects on which messages are received and sent respectively. In Vertigo, messages flow in only one direction, so messages can only be received on input ports and sent to output ports.


The Vertigo messaging API is simply a wrapper around the Vert.x event bus. Vertigo messages are not sent through any central router. Rather, Vertigo uses network configurations to create direct event bus connections between components. Vertigo components send and receive messages using only output and input ports and are hidden from event bus address details which are defined in network configurations. This is the element that makes Vertigo components reusable.

Rather than routing messages through a central router, components communicate directly with one another over the event bus, ensuring optimal performance.

Direct connections

Vertigo messages are guaranteed to arrive in the order in which they were sent and to only be processed exactly once. Vertigo also provides an API that allows for logical grouping and ordering of collections of messages known as groups. Groups are strongly ordered named batches of messages that can be nested.

For more information on messaging see how Vertigo handles messaging

Sending messages on an output port

To reference an output port, use the output.port(String name) method.

OutputPort port = output.port("out");

If the referenced output port is not defined in the network configuration, the port will be lazily created, though it will not actually reference any connections.

Any message that can be sent on the Vert.x event bus can be sent on the output port. To send a message on the event bus, simply call the send method.

output.port("out").send("Hello world!");

Internally, Vertigo will route the message to any connections as defined in the network configuration.

Output ports also support custom message serialization. See providing serializable messages

Receiving messages on an input port

Input ports are referenced in the same was as output ports.

InputPort port = input.port("in");

To receive messages on an input port, register a message handler on the port.

input.port("in").messageHandler(new Handler<String>() {
  public void handle(String message) {

Note that Vertigo messages arrive in plain format and not in any sort of Message wrapper. This is because Vertigo messages are inherently uni-directional, and message acking is handled internally.

Working with message groups

Vertigo provides a mechanism for logically grouping messages appropriately named groups. Groups are named logical collections of messages that are strongly ordered by name. Before any given group can stat, each of the groups of the same name at the same level that preceded it must have been completed. Additionally, messages within a group are guaranteed to be delivered to the same instance of each target component. In other words, routing is performed per-group rather than per-message.


For an interesting example of groups see the FileSender and FileReceiver utilities.

When a new output group is created, Vertigo will await the completion of all groups of the same name that were created prior to the new group before sending the new group's messages.

output.port("out").group("foo", new Handler<OutputGroup>() {
  public void handle(OutputGroup group) {

The group method can also accept an arbitrary Serializable object as the second argument. This argument will be passed to the input group's startHandler as you'll see below and can be used to initialize the group.

output.port("out").group("foo", new JsonObject().putString("bar", "baz"), new Handler<OutputGroup>() {
  public void handle(OutputGroup group) {

Note that the group's end() method must be called in order to indicate completion of the group. Groups are fully asynchronous, meaning they support asynchronous calls to other APIs, and this step is crucial to that functionality.

output.port("out").group("foo", new Handler<OutputGroup>() {
  public void handle(final OutputGroup group) {
    someObject.someAsyncApi(new Handler<AsyncResult<String>>() {
      public void handle(AsyncResult<String> result) {
        if (result.succeeded()) {

The group's end() method can also accept an arbitrary Serializable object that will be passed to the input group's endHandler.

group.end(new JsonObject().putString("foo", "bar"));

The OutputGroup API exposes the same methods as the OutputPort. That means that groups can be nested and Vertigo will still guarantee ordering across groups.

output.port("out").group("foo", new Handler<OutputGroup>() {
  public void handle(OutputGroup group) {
    group.group("bar", new Handler<OutputGroup>() {
      public void handle(OutputGroup group) {
    group.group("baz", new Handler<OutputGroup>() {
      public void handle(OutputGroup group) {
    // Since two child groups were created, this group will not be ended
    // until both children have been ended.

As with receiving messages, to receive message groups register a handler on an input port using the groupHandler method, passing a group name as the first argument.

input.port("in").groupHandler("foo", new Handler<InputGroup>() {
  public void handle(InputGroup group) {
    group.messageHandler(new Handler<String>() {
      public void handle(String message) {

The InputGroup API also supports a startHandler and endHandler. The endHandler can be particularly useful for aggregations. Vertigo guarantees that if a group's endHandler is called then all of the messages sent for that group were received by that group.

input.port("in").groupHandler("foo", new Handler<InputGroup>() {
  public void handle(InputGroup group) {

    final Set<String> messages = new HashSet<>();

    group.messageHandler(new Handler<String>() {
      public void handle(String message) {

    group.endHandler(new Handler<Void>() {
      public void handle(Void ignore) {
        System.out.println("Received " + messages.size() + " messages in group.");

Depending on how the group is formed, the group's startHandler and endHandler can each accept arbitrary Serializable objects. This can be useful for initialization and cleanup.

group.startHandler(new Handler<JsonObject>() {
  public void handle(JsonObject args) {
    String filename = args.getString("filename");

Group handlers are called in the following manner:

As with output groups, input groups can be nested, representing the same structure sent by an output group.

input.port("in").groupHandler("foo", new Handler<InputGroup>() {
  public void handle(InputGroup group) {
    group.group("bar", new Handler<InputGroup>() {
      public void handle(InputGroup group) {
        group.messageHandler(new Handler<Integer>() {
          public void handle(Integer number) {
    group.group("baz", new Handler<InputGroup>() {
      public void handle(InputGroup group) {
        group.messageHandler(new Handler<String>() {
          public void handle(String string) {

Working with message batches

Batches are similar to groups in that they represent collections of messages. Batches even use a similar API to groups. However, batches differ from groups in that they represent collections of output to all connections. In other words, whereas groups are guaranteed to always be delivered to the same target component instance, batches use normal selection routines to route each individual message. Additionally, batches cannot be nested like groups, but groups can be contained within batches. Batches simply represent windows of output from a port.


The batch API works similarly to the group API, but batches are not named.

output.port("out").batch(new Handler<OutputBatch>() {
  public void handle(OutputBatch batch) {

Just as with groups, batches need to be explicitly ended. However, only one batch can be open for any given connection at any given time, so that means that a new batch will not open until the previous batch has been ended.

The batch method can also accept an arbitrary Serializable object that will be passed to the input batch's startHandler. This can be useful for initialization.

Similarly, the batch's end method can accept an arbitrary object.

output.port("out").batch(new JsonObject().putString("foo", "bar"), new Handler<OutputBatch>() {
  public void handle(OutputBatch batch) {
    batch.end(new JsonObject().putString("bar", "baz"));

On the input port side, the batch API works similarly to the group API.

input.port("in").batchHandler(new Handler<InputBatch>() {
  public void handle(InputBatch batch) {

    // Aggregate all messages from the batch.
    final JsonArray messages = new JsonArray();
    batch.messageHandler(new Handler<String>() {
      public void handle(String message) {

    // Send the aggregated array once the batch is ended.
    batch.endHandler(new Handler<Void>() {
      public void handle(Void event) {

The batch's startHandler and endHandler can each be called with an arbitrary object that is defined by the sender. So, your batch may expect a String file name during initialization for example:

batch.startHandler(new Handler<String>() {
  public void handle(String fileName) {
    File file = new File(fileName);

Batches cannot be nested, but they can contain groups.

output.port("out").batch(new Handler<OutputBatch>() {
  public void handle(OutputBatch batch) {
    batch.group("fruits", new Handler<OutputGroup>() {
      public void handle(OutputGroup group) {

Even if a batch is ended, it will not internally end and allow the next batch to be created until any child groups have been successfully ended.

Batch handlers are called in the following manner:

Groups within batches can be received in the same manner as they are with groups.

input.port("in").batchHandler(new Handler<InputBatch>() {
  public void handle(InputBatch batch) {

    batch.groupHandler("fruits", new Handler<InputGroup>() {
      public void handle(InputGroup group) {

        final Set<String> fruits = new HashSet<>();
        group.messageHandler(new Handler<String>() {
          public void handle(String message) {

        group.endHandler(new Handler<Void>() {
          public void handle(Void event) {
            System.out.println("Got all the fruits!");


Providing serializable messages

In addition to types supported by the Vert.x event bus, the Vertigo messaging framework supports any Serializable Java object.

public class MyMessage implements Serializable {
  private String foo;
  private int bar;

  public MyMessage(String foo, int bar) {
    this.foo = foo;
    this.bar = bar;

Sending and receiving files

The Vertigo utilities helper module provides additional APIs for handling special cases such as sending large files through ports. The utility project's FileSender utility can send any size file on an output port using output groups.

To use the file sender, simply construct a new FileSender, passing any Output instance (a port, batch, or group) to the sender.

FileSender sender = new FileSender(output.port("file"));

Then, to send a file pass the string name of the file to the sendFile method.


On the other side, to receive a file use the FileReceiver utility. The file receiever will store a temporary file on the receiving node.

FileReceiver receiver = new FileReceiver(input.port("file"));
receiver.fileHandler(new Handler<String>() {
  public void handle(String filePath) {
    AsyncFile file = vertx.fileSystem().openSync(filePath);

The String passed to the fileHandler will be the full path to the temporary file. Remember to delete the file once you're done with it!

The FileSender and FileReceiver work by using output/input groups to stream file contents from one component to another. Vertigo guarantees ordering of messages and guarantees that all messages within a given group will go to the same target instance(s). To see how these helpers are implemented see the FileSender and FileReceiver classes.

Network Deployment and Clustering

Vertigo provides its own cluster management framework on top of the Vert.x cluster. Each Vertigo network will always be deployed in a Vertigo cluster. Vertigo clusters can be deployed either within a single, non-clustered Vert.x instance or across a Vert.x cluster. Clusters provide a logical separation between different applications within a Vert.x cluster and provide additional features such as failover.

Starting a cluster from the command line

Vertigo provides a special Vert.x module for starting a Vertigo cluster agent. To start a cluster node simply start the net.kuujo~vertigo-cluster~0.7.0-RC2 module.

vertx runmod net.kuujo~vertigo-cluster~0.7.0-RC2

The cluster agent accepts a few important configuration options:

Starting a cluster programmatically

Vertigo also provides an API for deploying clusters or individual nodes through the Vert.x Container.

Vertigo vertigo = new Vertigo(this);
vertigo.deployCluster("test-cluster", new Handler<AsyncResult<Cluster>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<Cluster> result) {
    Cluster cluster = result.result();

There are several methods for deploying nodes or clusters within the current Vert.x instance.

Users should use this API rather than deploying the ClusterAgent verticle directly because the cluster agent is pluggable. To override the default cluster agent set the system property net.kuujo.vertigo.cluster.

Referencing a cluster programmatically

Network deployments are performed through the Cluster API. To get a Cluster instance for a running Vertigo cluster call the getCluster method

Cluster cluster = vertigo.getCluster("test-cluster");

Accessing a cluster through the event bus

The cluster system is built on worker verticles that are accessed over the event bus. Cluster agents expose an event bus API that can be used as an alternative to the Java API. Since all Java interface methods simply wrap the event bus API, you can perform all the same operations as are available through the API over the event bus.

To send a message to a cluster simply send the message to the cluster address.

JsonObject message = new JsonObject()
    .putString("action", "check")
    .putString("network", "test");
vertx.eventBus().send("test-cluster", message, new Handler<Message<JsonObejct>>() {
  public void handle(Message<JsonObject> reply) {
    if (reply.body().getString("status").equals("ok")) {
      boolean isDeployed = reply.body().getBoolean("result");

Each message must contain an action indicating the action to perform. Each API method has an action associated with it, and the actions and their arguments will be outline in the following documentation.

Deploying a network

To deploy a network use the deployNetwork methods on the Cluster for the cluster to which the network should be deployed.

NetworkConfig network = vertigo.createNetwork("test");
network.addComponent("foo", "foo.js", 2);
network.addComponent("bar", "bar.py", 4);
network.createConnection("foo", "out", "bar", "in");


When the network is deployed, the cluster will check to determine whether a network of the same name is already running in the cluster. If a network of the same name is running, the given network configuration will be merged with the running network's configuration and the missing components will be deployed. This is very important to remember. Deployment will not fail if you deploy a network with the same name of a network that already running in the given cluster.

To determine when the network has been successfully deployed pass an AsyncResult handler to the deployNetwork method.

cluster.deployNetwork(network, new Handler<AsyncResult<ActiveNetwor>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<ActiveNetwork> result) {
    if (result.succeeded()) {
      ActiveNetwork network = result.result();

You can also deploy the network from the Vertigo API by naming the cluster to which to deploy the network.

vertigo.deployNetwork("test-cluster", network, new Handler<AsyncResult<ActiveNetwor>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<ActiveNetwork> result) {
    if (result.succeeded()) {
      ActiveNetwork network = result.result();

Deploying a network from JSON

Networks can be deployed programmatically from JSON configurations. To deploy a network from JSON configuration simply pass the JsonObject configuration in place of the NetworkConfig

JsonObject network = new JsonObject()
    .putString("name", "test")
    .putObject("components", new JsonObject()
        .putObject("foo", new JsonObject()
            .putString("type", "verticle").putString("main", "foo.js")));


JSON configurations can also be used to deploy networks to a cluster over the event bus. To deploy a network over the event bus send a deploy message to the cluster address with a network type, specifying the network configuration as a JsonObject.

  "action": "deploy",
  "type": "network",
  "network": {
    "name": "test",
    "components": {
      "foo": {
        "type": "verticle",
        "main": "foo.js"

If successful, the cluster will reply with a status of ok.

vertx.eventBus().send("test-cluster", message, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() {
  public void handle(Message<JsonObject> reply) {
    if (reply.body().getString("status").equals("ok")) {
      // Network was successfully deployed!

For information on the JSON configuration format see creating networks from json

Undeploying a network

To undeploy a complete network from a cluster call the undeployNetwork method, passing the network name as the first argument.

cluster.undeployNetwork("test", new Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<Void> result) {
    if (result.succeeded()) {
      // Network has been undeployed.

The AsyncResult handler will be called once all the components within the network have been undeployed from the cluster.

The undeployNetwork method also supports a NetworkConfig. The configuration based undeploy method behaves similarly to the deployNetwork method in that the given configuration will be unmerged from the configuration that's running in the cluster. If the configuration lists all the components that are present in the running network then the network will be completely undeployed, otherwise only the listed components will be undeployed and the network will continue to run. For this reason it is strongly recommended that you undeploy a network by name if you intend to undeploy the entire network.

Like the deployNetwork method, undeployNetwork has an equivalent event bus based action. To undeploy a network over the event bus use the undeploy action, specifying network as the type to undeploy along with the network to undeploy.

  "action": "undeploy",
  "type": "network",
  "network": "test"

The network field can also contain a JSON configuration to undeploy. If the undeployment is successful, the cluster will reply with a status of ok.

JsonObject message = new JsonObject()
  .putString("action", "undeploy")
  .putString("type", "network")
  .putString("network", "test");
vertx.eventBus().send("test-cluster", message, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() {
  public void handle(Message<JsonObject> reply) {
    if (reply.body().getString("status").equals("ok")) {
      // Network was successfully undeployed!

Checking if a network is deployed

To check if a network is deployed in the cluster use the isDeployed method.

cluster.isDeployed("test", new Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<Boolean> result) {
    if (result.succeeded()) {
      boolean deployed = result.result(); // Whether the network is deployed.

When checking if a network is deployed, a check message will be sent to the cluster along with the name of the network to check. If the network's configuration is available in the cluster then the network will be considered deployed. This is the same check that the cluster uses to determine whether a network is already deployed when deploying a new network configuration.

To check whether a network is deployed directly over the event bus, send a check message to the cluster specifying a network type along with the network name.

  "action": "check",
  "type": "network",
  "network": "test"

Send the check message to the cluster event bus address. If successful, the cluster will reply with a boolean result indicating whether the network is deployed in the cluster.

JsonObject message = new JsonObject()
  .putString("action", "check")
  .putString("type", "network")
  .putString("network", "test");
vertx.eventBus().send("test-cluster", message, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() {
  public void handle(Message<JsonObject> reply) {
    if (reply.body().getString("status").equals("ok")) {
      boolean deployed = reply.body().getBoolean("result");

Listing networks running in a cluster

To list the networks running in a cluster call the getNetworks method.

cluster.getNetworks(new Handler<AsyncResult<Collection<ActiveNetwork>>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<ActiveNetwork> result) {
    ActiveNetwork network = result.result();

Note that the method returns an ActiveNetwork. The active network can be used to reconfigure the running network, but more on that later. The current network configuration can be retrieved from the ActiveNetwork by calling the getConfig method.

NetworkConfig config = network.getConfig();

To list the networks running in the cluster over the event bus, use the list action.

  "action": "list"

If successful, the cluster will reply with a result containing an array of configuration objects for each network running in the cluster.

JsonObject message = new JsonObject()
  .putStrign("action", "list");
vertx.eventBus().send("test-cluster", message, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() {
  public void handle(Message<JsonObject> reply) {
    if (reply.body().getString("status").equals("ok")) {
      JsonArray networks = reply.body().getArray("result");

Deploying a bare network

Vertigo networks can be reconfigured after deployment, so sometimes it's useful to deploy an empty network with no components or connections.

cluster.deployNetwork("test", new Handler<AsyncResult<ActiveNetwork>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<ActiveNetwork> result) {
    ActiveNetwork network = result.result();

When a bare network is deployed, Vertigo simply deploys a network manager verticle with no components. Once the network is reconfigured, the manager will automatically update the network with any new components.

To deploy a bare network over the event bus, pass a String network name in the network field rather than a JSON network configuration.

JsonObject message = new JsonObject()
  .putString("action", "deploy")
  .putString("type", "network")
  .putString("network", "test");
vertx.eventBus().send("test-cluster", message, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() {
  public void handle(Message<JsonObject> reply) {
    if (reply.body().getString("status").equals("ok")) {
      // Network was successfully deployed!

Reconfiguring a network

Vertigo provides several methods to reconfigure a network after it has been deployed. After a network is deployed users can add or remove components or connections from the network. To reconfigure a running network simply deploy or undeploy a network configuration of the same name.

// Create and deploy a two component network.
NetworkConfig network = vertigo.createNetwork("test");
network.addComponent("foo", "foo.js", 2);
network.addComponent("bar", "bar.py", 4);

vertigo.deployNetwork("test-cluster", network, new Handler<AsyncResult<ActiveNetwork>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<ActiveNetwork> result) {
    // Create and deploy a connection between the two components.
    NetworkConfig network = vertigo.createNetwork("test");
    network.createConnection("foo", "out", "bar", "in");
    vertigo.deployNetwork("test-cluster", network);

When a network is deployed, the cluster will check to see if any other networks of the same name are already deployed. If a network of the same name is deployed then the new configuration will be merged with the running configuration. Similarly, when undeploying a network from configuration, the cluster will undeploy only the components and connections listed in a connection. The network will only be completely undeployed if the configuration lists all the components deployed in the network.

Vertigo queues configuration changes internally to ensure that only one configuration change can occur at any given time. So if you separately deploy two connections, the second connection will not be added to the network until the first has been added and connected on all relevant components. To deploy more than one component or connection to a running network simultaneously just list them in the same configuration.

Just as networks can be deployed and undeployed over the event bus, they can also be reconfigured by sending deploy and undeploy messages to the cluster.

Working with active networks

Vertigo provides a special API for reconfiguring running networks known as the active network. The ActiveNetwork API mimics the network configuration API, except changes to an ActiveNetwork instance will be immediately deployed to the running network in the appropriate cluster.

To load an active network you can call getNetwork on a cluster.

cluster.getNetwork("test", new Handler<AsyncResult<ActiveNetwork>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<ActiveNetwork> result) {
    ActiveNetwork network = result.result();
    network.createConnection("foo", "out", "bar", "in");

The active network API also supports AsyncResult handlers so you can determine when the network has been updated with the new configuration.

network.createConnection("foo", "out", "bar", "in", new Handler<AsyncResult<ActiveNetwork>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<ActiveNetwork> result) {
    // Connection has been added and connected.

Each ActiveNetwork also contains an internal NetworkConfig which can be retrieved by the getConfig method.

NetworkConfig config = network.getConfig();

The active network's internal NetworkConfig will be automatically updated when the running network configuration is updated.

Deploying a network from the command line

Vertigo provides a special facility for deploying networks from json configuration files. This feature is implemented as a Vert.x language module, so the network deployer must be first added to your langs.properties file.


You can replace the given extension with anything that works for you. Once the language module has been configured, simply run a network configuration file like any other Vert.x verticle.

vertx run my_network.network

The NetworkFactory will construct the network from the json configuration file and deploy the network to the available cluster.

Cluster Management

Vertigo clusters support remote deployments of networks and modules/verticles and shared data access over the event bus. Vertigo provides a Java and event bus API for all cluster operations.

Accessing the cluster from within a component

The Vertigo cluster is made available to users through the cluster field within the ComponentVerticle class. The cluster within any given component will always reference the Vertigo cluster to which the component's parent network belongs. This means that deployments made through the cluster will be separated in the same way that networks are separated from each other across clusters.

Deploying modules and verticles to the cluster

The Vertigo cluster supports remote deployment of modules and verticles over the event bus. The Cluster API wraps the event bus API and mimics the core Vert.x Container interface. To deploy a module or verticle simply call the appropriate method on the component Cluster instance:

public class MyComponent extends ComponentVerticle {

  public void start() {
    cluster.deployVerticle("foo.js", new Handler<AsyncResult<String>>() {
      public void handle(AsyncResult<String> result) {
        if (result.succeeded()) {
          // Successfully deployed the verticle!


The Cluster API behaves exactly like the Vert.x Container API and exposes an identical deployment interface. But Vertigo clusters can be separated by event bus addresses. So, when deploying or undeploying verticles or modules, it's important that you communicate with the correct cluster. The cluster that is available from within components will always be the cluster in which the component is running.

Undeploying modules and verticles from the cluster

To undeploy a module or verticle from the cluster call the undeployModule or undeployVerticle method just as with the Vert.x Container.


Working with cluster groups

Vertigo clusters can be separated into groups, allowing components, modules, or verticles to be deployed only within specific cluster groups.

To get a reference to a cluster group, call the getGroup method on a Cluster instance.

cluser.getGroup("foo", new Handler<AsyncResult<Group>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<Group> result) {
    if (result.succeeded()) {

If the group doesn't exist in the cluster then a ClusterException will be returned to the AsyncResult handler.

Cluster-wide shared data

Cluster-wide shared data structures are made available via the same API as clustering. If the current Vert.x instance is a Hazelcast clustered instance then cluster-wide shared data structures will be backed by Hazelcast data structures. If the current Vert.x instance is not clustered then data structures will be backed by Vert.x SharedData structures.

The cluster API is available in all components via the cluster field of the ComponentVerticle.


The AsyncMap interface closely mimics the interface of the Java Map interface, but uses Handler<AsyncResult<T>> rather than return values.

final AsyncMap<String, String> map = cluster.getMap("foo");
map.put("foo", "bar", new Handler<AsyncResult<String>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<String> result) {
    if (result.succeeded()) {
      map.get("foo", new Handler<AsyncResult<String>>() {
        public void handle(AsyncResult<String> result) {
          if (result.succeeded()) {
            String foo = result.result();

If the Vert.x instance is not clustered then Vertigo maps will be backed by the Vert.x ConcurrentSharedMap. If the Vert.x instance is clustered then maps will be backed by Hazelcast maps that are accessed over the event bus through the Vertigo cluster.


The AsyncSet interface closely mimics the interface of the Java Set interface, but uses Handler<AsyncResult<T>> rather than return values.

final AsyncSet<String> set = cluster.getSet("foo");
set.add("bar", new Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<Boolean> result) {
    if (result.succeeded()) {

If the Vert.x instance is not clustered then Vertigo sets will be backed by the Vert.x SharedData sets. If the Vert.x instance is clustered then sets will be backed by Hazelcast sets that are accessed over the event bus through the Vertigo cluster.


The AsyncList interface closely mimics the interface of the Java List interface, but uses Handler<AsyncResult<T>> rather than return values.

AsyncList<String> list = cluster.getList("foo");
list.add("bar", new Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<Boolean> result) {
    if (result.succeeded()) {

If the Vert.x instance is not clustered then Vertigo lists will be backed by a custom list implementation on top of the Vert.x ConcurrentSharedMap. If the Vert.x instance is clustered then lists will be backed by Hazelcast lists that are accessed over the event bus through the Vertigo cluster.


The AsyncQueue interface closely mimics the interface of the Java Queue interface, but uses Handler<AsyncResult<T>> rather than return values.

final AsyncQueue<String> queue = cluster.getQueue("foo");
queue.add("bar", new Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<Boolean> result) {
    if (result.succeeded()) {
      queue.poll(new Handler<AsyncResult<String>>() {
        public void handle(AsyncResult<String> result) {
          if (result.succeeded()) {
            String value = result.result();

If the Vert.x instance is not clustered then Vertigo queues will be backed by a custom queue implementation on top of the Vert.x ConcurrentSharedMap. If the Vert.x instance is clustered then queues will be backed by Hazelcast queues that are accessed over the event bus through the Vertigo cluster.


The AsyncCounter facilitates generating cluster-wide counters.

AsyncCounter counter = cluster.getCounter("foo");
counter.incrementAndGet(new Handler<AsyncResult<Long>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<Long> result) {
    if (result.succeeded()) {
      long value = result.result();

If the Vert.x instance is not clustered then Vertigo counters will be backed by a custom counter implementation on top of the Vert.x ConcurrentSharedMap. If the Vert.x instance is clustered then counters will be backed by Hazelcast maps that are accessed over the event bus through the Vertigo cluster.

Accessing shared data over the event bus

As with network and module/verticle deployments, cluster-wide shared data structures can be accessed directly over the event bus. Data actions relate directly to their API methods. Each shared data message must contain a type and the name of the data structure to which the message refers. For example, to put a value in the foo map we do the following:

// Put key "bar" to "baz" in map "foo"
JsonObject message = new JsonObject()
  .putString("type", "map")
  .putString("name", "foo")
  .putString("action", "put")
  .putString("key", "bar")
  .putString("value", "baz");
vertx.eventBus().send("test-cluster", message, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() {
  public void handle(Message<JsonObject> reply) {
    if (reply.body().getString("status").equals("ok")) {

      // Get the value of key "bar" in map "foo"
      JsonObject message = new JsonObject()
        .putString("type", "map")
        .putString("name", "foo")
        .putString("action", "get")
        .putString("key", "bar");
      vertx.eventBus().send("test-cluster", message, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() {
        public void handle(Message<JsonObject> reply) {
          if (reply.body().getString("status").equals("ok")) {
            String value = reply.body().getString("result");



Vertigo provides a special mechanism for hooking into component and messaging events. Hooks are objects that are added to the network configuration and receive notifications when certain events occur. All hooks implement the JsonSerializable interface which handles JSON serialization with Jackson. In most cases, users can simply implement the relevant hook interface and Vertigo will handle serialization of basic fields automatically. You can use Jackson annotations to ignore certain fields or provide custom serialization as necessary.


Input hooks can be used to hook into message events related to the target port on a specific connection within a network configuration. Input hooks are added to the target element of a ConnectionConfig.

To define an input hook implement the InputHook interface.

public class MyInputHook implements InputHook {

  public void handleReceive(Object message) {



The InputHook interface requires only a single handleReceive method which will be called whenever a message is received on the connection.

To add the hook to a connection use the addHook method on a ConnectionConfig.Target instance.

network.createConnection("foo", "out", "bar", "in").getTarget().addHook(new MyInputHook());


Output hooks can be used to hook into message events related to the source port on a specific connection within a network configuration. Output hooks are added to the source element of a ConnectionConfig.

To define an output hook implement the OutputHook interface.

public class MyOutputHook implements OutputHook {

  public void handleSend(Object message) {



The OutputHook interface requires only a single handleSend method which will be called whenever a message is sent on the connection.

To add the hook to a connection use the addHook method on a ConnectionConfig.Source instance.

network.createConnection("foo", "out", "bar", "in").getSource().addHook(new MyOutputHook());


I/O hooks are a combination of the InputHook and OutputHook interfaces. When an I/O hook is added to a connection, its methods will be called when an event occurs on either side of the connection. For the sending side of the connection, the hook will be called when a message is sent, and for the receiving side of the connection, the hook will be called when a message is received.

public class MyIOHook implements IOHook {

  public void handleSend(Object message) {


  public void handleReceive(Object message) {



To add the hook to a connection use the addHook method on a ConnectionConfig instance.

network.createConnection("foo", "out", "bar", "in").addHook(new MyIOHook());


Components hooks are component-level hooks that implement both the InputHook and OutputHook interfaces along with some additional component-level hook methods. Since component hooks are added at the component level, the handleSend and handleReceive methods will be called each time a message is sent or received on any port. Additionally, the component hook can receive notifications of when the component has started and stopped as well.

public class MyComponentHook implements ComponentHook {

  public void handleStart(Component component) {


  public void handleSend(Object message) {


  public void handleReceive(Object message) {


  public void handleStop(Component component) {



The handleStart and handleStop will be passed the internal Vertigo Component instance which contains all fields available to the Java ComponentVerticle along with additional information about the component configuration.

Component hooks are added to ComponentConfig instances within the network configuration.

network.addComponent("foo", "foo.js", 2).addHook(new MyComponentHook());


Each Vertigo component contains a special PortLogger which logs messages to component output ports in addition to standard Vert.x log files. This allows other components to listen for log messages on input ports.

The PortLogger logs to ports named for each logger method:

Logging messages to output ports

The PortLogger simple implements the standard Vert.x Logger interface. So, to log a message to an output port simply call the appropriate log method:

public class MyComponent extends ComponentVerticle {

  public void start() {
    logger.info("Component started successfully!");


Reading log messages

To listen for log messages from a component, simply add a connection to a network configuration listening on the necessary output port. For instance, you could aggregate and count log messages from one component by connecting each log port to a single input port on another component.

NetworkConfig network = vertigo.createNetwork("log-test");
network.addVerticle("logger", "logger.js", 2);
network.addVerticle("log-reader", LogReader.class.getName(), 2);
network.createConnection("logger", "fatal", "log-reader", "log").hashSelect();
network.createConnection("logger", "error", "log-reader", "log").hashSelect();
network.createConnection("logger", "warn", "log-reader", "log").hashSelect();
network.createConnection("logger", "info", "log-reader", "log").hashSelect();
network.createConnection("logger", "debug", "log-reader", "log").hashSelect();
network.createConnection("logger", "trace", "log-reader", "log").hashSelect();

With a hash selector on each connection, we guarantee that the same log message will always go to the same log-reader instance.

Log messages will arrive as simple strings:

public class LogReader extends ComponentVerticle {
  private final Map<String, Integer> counts = new HashMap<>();

  public void start() {
    input.port("log").messageHandler(new Handler<String>() {
      public void handle(String message) {
        // Update the log message count.
        if (!counts.containsKey(message)) {
          counts.put(message, 1);
        } else {
          counts.put(message, counts.get(message) + 1);
        output.port("count").send(counts.get(message)); // Send the updated count.


How it works

There are four essential components to Vertigo's design:

This section outlines how each of the components of Vertigo is designed and how they interact with one another in order to support advanced features such as fault-tolerant deployments, runtime configuration changes, strongly-ordered messaging, and exactly-once processing.


At the core of Vertigo's networks are immutable configurations called contexts. Every element of a network has an associated context. When a network is first deployed, Vertigo constructs a version-controlled context from the network's configuration. This is the point at which Vertigo generates things like unique IDs and event bus addresses.


The context used by each element for setup tasks such as connecting to the cluster, creating ports and connections, and registering hooks.


The Vertigo cluster is the component that manages deployment, undeployment, and monitoring of networks and their components. Vertigo clusters consist of one or more special verticles that expose an event bus interface to deploying modules, verticles, and complete networks as well as cluster-wide shared data.

The verticle implementation that handles clustering is the ClusterAgent The cluster agent exposes an event bus API for performing cluster operations, including remote module and verticle deployments, failover, and cluster-wide shared data, along with of course deploying and managing networks.

The Vertigo cluster makes heavy use of cluster-wide shared data for coordination. This is the element of the cluster that supports deploying/undeploying partial network configurations. When a network is deployed to the cluster, the cluster will first determine whether a network of the same name is already deployed in the cluster. If the network is running in the cluster, the cluster will load the running network's configuration and merge the new configuration with the existing configuration, otherwise the network will be completely deployed.


But the cluster doesn't ever actually deploy any of the network's components. Instead, the cluster simply deploys a special verticle called the network manager which handles deployment/undeployment of components and coordinates startup and shutdown of networks. Rather than communicating over the event bus, the cluster and the network communicate using data-driven events through shared data structures. When the cluster wants to update a network, it sets the network's configuration key in the cluster. On the other side, the manager watches the configuration key for changes using Vertigo's internal WatchableAsyncMap. Similarly, the network sets a status key once the configuration has been installed and the cluster watches the network's status key to determine when the network has completed configuration. This allows Vertigo's networks to be dynamically altered and network configurations to be persisted in the cluster through crashes so they can easily recover.

Since each network manager always monitors the network's configuration for changes, it is automatically notified when the cluster updates the configuration. When a network configuration change occurs, the manager will first unset the network's status key to indicate that the network is not currently completely set up. This gives the network's components an opportunity to pause if necessary. Once the status key has been unset the network will undeploy any removed components and then deploy any new components. While new components are being added, the manager will also update each component's configuration in the cluster. With components also watching their own configurations for changes, this allows components to update their internal connections without being undeployed, but more on that in the next section. It's important to note that all configuration changes are queued in a task runner that ensures that only one configuration change can ever be processed at any given time.


One of the challenges when starting up multiple verticles across a cluster is coordinating startup. If a component begins sending messages on a connection before the other side is listening, messages will be lost. It is the responsibility of the component coordinator to notify the cluster once a component has completed startup.

To do so, coordinators use the same mechanism that clusters and network managers use to communicate status information - cluster-wide shared data. When a component first starts up, it immediately loads its current context from the cluster and watches its configuration key for changes. Once its definite context has been loaded, the component will open its input and output collectors. Finally, once the component's input and output have been opened, the coordinator will set the component's status key in the cluster, indicating that the component has completed startup. However, even though the component has indicated to the network that it has completed startup, the component won't actually start until the network has indicated that all the active components in the network have completed setup.

When the network's configuration changes, the network manager will set the component's configuration key in the cluster. By watching the configuration key, the component's internal configuration will be automatically updated if any changes occur. With cluster-wide data events, since all contexts are Observable, components can watch their configurations for changes that were made in cluster-wide data structures. When a component configuration change occurs, each of the component's internal input and output ports will automatically recognize the change and update their connections. As with networks, components ensure that only one configuration change can ever occur at any given time.


One of the most important features in Vertigo is its messaging system. The messaging framework has been completely redesigned in Vertigo 0.7 to be modeled on ports. All Vertigo's messaging is performed over the Vert.x event bus, and the messaging system is designed to provide strongly-ordered and exactly-once semantics.

There are numerous components to the Vertigo communication framework. At the highest level, each component has an InputCollector and an OutputCollector.

Internally, Vertigo uses streams to model connections between an output port on one set of component instances and an input port on another set of component instances. Each output port can contain any number of output streams, and each output stream can contain any number of output connections (equal to the number of instances of the target component). Connections represent a single event bus address connection between two instances of two components on a single Vertigo connection. Connection selectors are used at the stream level to select a set of connections to which to send each message for the stream.

Vertigo provides strong ordering and exactly-once semantics through a unique, high-performance algorithm wherein messages are essentially batched between connections. When a message is sent on an output connection, the connection tags the message with a monotonically increasing number and the message is stored in an internal TreeMap with the ID as the key. Since Vertigo ensures that each output connection will only ever communicate with a single input connection, this monotonically increasing number can be used to check the order of messages received. Input connections simply store the ID of the last message they received. When a new message is received, if the ID is not one plus the last seen ID, the input connection will immediately send a fail message back to the output connection, indicating the last message that the input connection received in order. The output connection will then begin resending all stored messages in order after that point. If no messages are received out of order, the input connection will periodically send an ack message to the output connection indicating the last message received. The output connection will then purge its internal storage of all messages before the indicated identifier. This simple algorithm allows Vertigo to guarantee strongly-order/exactly-once processing without the use of event bus reply handlers.

The Vertigo communication framework also supports a couple of different forms of batching - batches and groups.

Batches are unique collections of messages emitted from a given component instance. Batches are represented on all streams within a given port during their lifespan. Alternatively, groups are collections of messages received by a given component. That is, groups relate only to a single stream on a given output port. Additionally, each output port may only have a single batch open at any given time whereas multiple groups can be open at any given time.

When a batch is created, since batches relate to all connections in all streams, each output stream will send a startBatch message to the other side of every connection. However, the batch is not then immediately created. Instead, the other side of the connection will wait to respond to the start message until a message handler has actually been registered for the batch. This creates a brief paused between the time the batch is created and the time the batch is started, but it also ensures that no messages can be sent on the batch until a handler is ready to receive them.

Batches keep track of the number of groups that are created within them. When a batch is ended, it will not actually send an endBatch message to the other side of the connection until all its child groups (if any) have been completed.

When a group is created, each output stream selects a single connection with its internal selector. As with batches, groups will not actually complete creation until a message handler has actually be registered on the other side of the connection. And like batches, groups keep track of the child groups created within them and cannot be successfully ended until all child groups have been ended.

Need support? Check out the Vertigo Google Group