LocalNoise is an Android app that I have been working on for awhile now with hopes to publish to the Google Play Store soon. The app gets the user's closest city/metro area and provides upcoming concerts/shows in their area for the coming weeks. Users can then export the upcoming shows to a Spotify playlist with a touch of a button. The app also displays details on each individual concert/show and its respective artists. Users can view their last played setlist and can export the setlist to a Spotify playlist.
The idea behind this is that I love going to shows but sometimes I can't find a show to go to. With this app I can just export a playlist and listen to it throughout the week. If I find a band I like, I can easily export their last playlist to get an idea of what songs they have been playing and then go to the show :metal: I open sourced this because I'm not trying to make any money and just want to create an app that I find useful and learn some stuff along the way.
Ionic - Angular 2, Typescript
Nodejs - Express, ES6/7 (async/await)
Redis - Caching calls to external APIs