kuzzleio / documentation-old

Source of http://docs.kuzzle.io/
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 2 forks source link
documentation kuzzle kuzzle-api kuzzle-sdk

Table of Contents


install dependencies

npm install

index documentation content to algolia

node index.js --algolia-private-key <key>

index documentation content to algolia matching version configured in versions.config.json

node index.js --build-path /v/edge --algolia-private-key <key>

build the documentation in production mode matching version configured in versions.config.json

node index.js --build-host http://docs.kuzzle.io --build-path /v/edge --build-compress

bind a webserver on 8080 with livereload and watch enabled

node index.js --dev --watch
npm run dev

bind a webserver on 80 with livereload, open a browser, turn on debug messages and check dead links

sudo DEBUG=* node index.js --dev --watch --open-browser --port 80 --ckeck-links

File organization

Here is an overview of the files structure:

Though there is no real limit to the directories depth, to keep the documentation homogeneous and readable, no additional subdirectories should be added.

Documentation sections

Sections are listed as subdirectories in src/.
For instance: src/guide/.

Each section directory must contain an index.md file, with the following headers:

layout: category-childrens.html
title: <Name used in the section list>
order: <(optional, integer)>
description: <(optional) Text appearing under the section name in the section list>
icon: <font-awesome icon name>

For more information about headers, see the file headers documentation.

Documentation subsections

Subsections are directories listed under a section directory.
For instance: src/guide/essentials/

A subsection has one of the 3 following behaviors:

Each subsection directory must contain an index.md file, with the following headers:

layout: <full.html or category-members.html>
algolia: [true|false]
title: <Name used in the subsection list>
description: <(optional) Text appearing under the subsection name in the subsection list>
order: <(optional, integer)>
show-subheader: <(optional, boolean, default: false)>
subheader-title: <(optional, default: title header value)>

For more information about headers, see the file headers documentation.

Documentation articles

Articles are markdown files stored under a subsection directory.
For instance: src/guide/essentials/installing-kuzzle.md

Each article file must contain a header with the following properties:

layout: <full.html or side-code.html>
algolia: [true|false]
title: <Article name in the subsection list>
order: <(optional, integer)>

For more information about headers, see the file headers documentation.

File headers

Here is a rundown of the possible header values that can be configured in markdown files:


Type: bolean
Default: true

Enable disqus comment plugin on page.


The layout header sets the way the selected page is displayed:


Type: integer
Default: <undefined>

Defines the section, subsection or article position relative to others.

For more information, see how the documentation is sorted


Type: boolean
Default: false

To be used only on subsection index.md files.

By default, we configured this documentation to hide the content of index.md files in subsections (see documentation subsections).

This header makes the content of index.md appear like any other article, using the subheader-title title if set (or the title header otherwise).


Type: string
Default: <undefined>

If show-subheader is set to true, then this value is used as the article name in the navigation bar.


Type: boolean Default: <undefined>

If the page has no siblings (thus, is the index.md of a section), it can have a Table of Contents displayed in the second level of the left menu. Only the h2 headers are shown in the TOC.

Sorting the documentation

Inside each category (section, subsection, article), all files are automatically sorted.
The final order of sections, subsections or articles depends on two values: the order header and the title header, the former having precedence over the latter:


The SDK reference contain subsections, each one with a index.md file:

Configure versions

Version configuration are set in versions.config.json file

Version configuration reference

JSON Key Value Usage
version_label string Label displayed in version selector
version_path string Base path used to generate links (should start and end with a slash /)
algolia_index string Used to distinguish algolia search index
version_gh_repo string Linked git repository (used by file edition)
version_gh_branch string Linked git branch (used by file edition and travis deploiement)

Configure version auto-deployment

Once version have been configured on versions.config.file, enable auto deployment adding your branch configured in version_gh_repo to .branches.only entry in .travis.yml file


    "version_label": "1.0.0-rc9 (latest)",
    "version_path": "/",
    "algolia_index": "kuzzle-documentation",
    "version_gh_repo": "kuzzleio/documentation",
    "version_gh_branch": "master"
    "version_label": "1.0.0-rc10 (next)",
    "version_path": "/v/edge/",
    "algolia_index": "kuzzle-documentation",
    "version_gh_repo": "kuzzleio/documentation",
    "version_gh_branch": "rc.x"


Error: watch ... ENOSPC

You have to increase the max_user_watches variable, run the following command :
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

See also