kvasilaky / EthiopiaSMS

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How to Set Up For the First Time

1) Create an .env file with all the variables from the config.py file defined. All of the actual values are in the heroku account. The structure is as follows:

  export FROM_NUMBER_SA="[Actual Phone Number, SOUTH AFRICAN]"
  export FROM_NUMBER_DR="[Actual Phone Number, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC]"
  export ACCOUNT_SID="[Our Twilio Account SID]"
  export AUTH_TOKEN="[Our Twilio Auth Token]"
  export DATABASE_URL="[Database_Url]"
  export USERNAME="[In Heroku Settings]"
  export PASSWORD="[In Heroku Settings]"

2) Type source .env to upload your environment variables into local memory.

3) Install all the dependencies we currently have with pip install -r requirements.txt

How to Run the Application

1) Uncomment the following lines from run.py only when you're running locally. If you uncomment them before deploying to github, the site will not work.

  # port = int(os.environ.get('PORT', 13336))
  # app.run(port=port,debug=True)

2) Run the app with python run.py

Organization/Directory Structure

├── .gitignore              # So that we don't commit compiled files or our environment passwords
├── README.md               # This will be how to test/run the app & have basic info
├── requirements.txt        # These are the dependencies that you need to install for the app to run
├── run.py                  # Runs the app!
├──  EthiopiaSMS/           # Everything our app includes is inside this folder
│   ├──  __init__.py        # App-wide setup. Called by `run.py`
│   ├──  config.py          # Configuration Files. i.e. Login related things
│   ├──  views.py           # All the view routes
│   ├──  twilio_helper.py   # Twilio Fetching Related functions
│   ├──  database_helper.py # All the view routes
│   ├──  data/              # Folder for any data we might want to use
│   ├──  scripts/           # Folder for any scripts for the database we add
│   ├──  static/            # Folder for any static files
│   │   ├──  css            # CSS
│   │   ├──  images         # Images
│   │   ├──  js             # JavaScript
│   ├──  templates/         # HTML files go here
│   │   ├──  index.html     # JavaScript