kwaledesign / FrontEnd-Ops

a work in progress...
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Front-End Ops

Bitdeli Badge

Built with Grunt

"Front-End Ops is the bridge between an application’s intent and an application’s reality." - Alex Sexton




Grunt Tasks

Default Tasks


Utility Tasks


Testing Tasks

JavaScript Testing Tasks

Markup Testing Tasks

Stylesheet Testing Tasks


Style Guide Driven Tests


CSS Stats


Browser Testing


Build Tasks


Performance Testing Tasks

Performance Analytics Tasks


Additional Resources and Tools

Additional resources and alternative modules/tools that didn't fit into my current workflow, but may be useful down the road or are worth keeping an eye on. If I've left something out that you feel would be a value add, please file an issue or PR.


© Kwale Design - Original source code dual licensed under MIT license / GPL2 license. Open-sourced projects used within this project retain their original licenses.