kwonmha / Improving-RNN-recommendation-model

Applied weight tying technique to RNN based recommendation model. Implemented with Tensorflow and Keras.
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keras recommender rnn tensorflow theano

Improving RNN based recommendtation

Tensorflow, Keras implementation of "Collaborative filtering based on sequences". Also, theano is available in this project. All methods other than RNN-Categorical cross entropy are removed to focus on improving the performance of RNN and for simplification. I applied "weight tying technique" into the RNN-CCE model and it resulted it higher recall in MovieLens 1M dataset. This is only available in tensorflow now.

For reproducibility, you can download the same preprocessed data sequence from

Experimental results (Performed on Tensorflow)

Models sps Recall
LSTM_vanilla(dim:50) 31 6.2
LSTM_weight_tying(dim:50) 29.2 6.0
LSTM_vanilla(dim:100) 29.2 5.2
LSTM_weight_tying(dim:100) 33.8 6.6
LSTM_vanilla(dim:200) 28.6 5.6
LSTM_weight_tying(dim:200) 31 6.8

Weight tying might not that effective to improve sps but it clearly marks higher recall. And its effectiveness starts to come out when the dimension of the hidden state is higher than 50.



This project runs on windows 10, 64bit. You can use any deeplearning framework among tensorflow, keras and theano. I used anaconda containing all of them.

You can use

pip install tensorflow-gpu

And maybe mkl or numpy-mkl library is needed to run tensorflow. Also it is known that the development of theano has been stopped so I personally recommend to use tensorflow or keras with tensorflow backend.

Simple Report

It takes much more time to run with keras-either tensorflow backend or theano backend. You'd better to use raw tensorflow or theano.

The results made by rdevooght's paper seems only available in python 2. It was unable to reproduce in python3 although I copied his theano code based on python2 and modified to fit python3. But the result is reproducible in python2. The performance of models in this project is little bit lower than that of the original project.

When I tested with theano in python3, only Adadelta and Adam optimizer didn't make nan as loss. But Adadelta was slower than Adam, so the only good option for theano would be Adam.


Use -fr option to select deeplearning framework. 'tf' for tensorflow, 'ktf' for keras-tensorflow backend, 'kth' for keras-theano backend, 'th' for theano. Available on and

Example : python -fr tf

--mem_frac sets the fraction of memory to use for tensorflow or keras-tensorflow backend. --save_log You can set whether to save training logs when using tensorflow. --log_dir sets the directory to save training logs when using tensorflow.

Explanation below are almost copied from original github and simplified

This script is used to train models and offers many options regarding when to save new models and when to stop training. The basic usage is the following:

python -d path/to/dataset/ 

The argument -d is used to specify the path to the folder that contains the "data", "models" and "results" subfolders created by If you have multiple datasets with a partly common path (e.g. path/to/dataset1/, path/to/dataset2/, etc.) you can specify this common path in the variable DEFAULT_DIR of helpers/ For example, setting DEFAULT_DIR = "path/to/" and using the argument -d dataset1 will look for the dataset in "path/to/dataset1/".

The optional arguments are the following:

Option Desciption
--dir dirname/ Name of the subfolder of "path/to/dataset/models/" in which to save the model. By default it will be saved directly in the models/ folder, but using subfolders can be useful when many models are tested.
--progress {int or float} Number of iterations (or seconds) between two evaluations of the model on the validation set. When the model is evaluated, progress is shown on the command line, and the model might be saved (depending on the --save option). An float value means that the evaluations happen at geometric intervals (rather than linear). Default: 5000
--metrics value Metrics computed on the validation set, separated by commas. Available metrics are recall, sps, ndcg, item_coverage, user_coverage and blockbuster_share. Default: sps.
--save [All, Best, None] Policy for saving models. If "None", no model is saved. If "All", the current model is saved each time the model is evaluated on the validation set, and no model is destroyed. If "Best", the current model is only saved if it improves over the previous best results on the validation set, and the previous best model is deleted. If "Best" and multiple metrics are used, all the pareto-optimal models are saved.
--time_based_progress Base the interval between two evaluations on the number of elapsed seconds rather than on the number of iterations.
--mpi value Max number of iterations (or seconds) between two evaluations (useful when using geometric intervals). Default: inf.
--max_iter value Max number of iterations (default: inf).
--max_time value Max training time in seconds (default: inf).
--min_iter value Min number of iterations before making the first evaluation (default: 0).
--extended_set Use extended training set (contains first half of validation and test set). This is necessary for factorization based methods such as BPRMF and FPMC because they need to build a model for every user.
--tshuffle Shuffle the order of sequences between epochs.
--load_last_model Load Last model before starting training (it will search for a model build with all the same options and take the one with the largest number of epochs).
--es_m [WorstTimesX, StopAfterN, None] Early stopping method (by default none is used, and training continues until max_iter or max_time is reached). WorstTimesX will stop training if the number of iterations since the last best score on the validation set is longer than X times the longest time between two consecutive best scores. StopAfterN will stop the training if the model has not improved for the N last evaluations on the validation set.
--es_n N N parameter for StopAfterN (default: 5).
--es_x X X parameter for WorstTimesX (default: 2).
--es_min_wait num_epochs Mininum number of epochs before stopping (for WorstTimesX). Default: 1.
--es_LiB Lower is better for validation score. By default a higher validation score is considered better, but if it is not the case you can use this option.

The options specific to each method are explained in the Methods section.

This script test the models built with on the test set. The basic usage is:

python -d path/to/dataset/ -m Method_name

The argument -d works in the same way as with, and the precise model to test is specified by the --dir option and the methods-specific options. If multiple models fit the options (They are in the same subfolder and were trained with the same method and same options), they are all evaluated one after the other, except if the argument -i epoch_number is also specified, which will then select the model based on the number of epochs.

--metrics allows to specify the list of metrics to compute, separated by commas. By default the metrics are: sps, recall, item_coverage, user_coverage, blockbuster_share. The "blockbuster share" is the percentage of correct recommendations among the 1% most popular items. The other available metrics are the sps, the ndcg and the assr (when clustering is used).

All the metrics are computed "@k", with k=10 by default. k can be changed using the -k option.

When the --save option is used, the results are saved in a file in "path/to/dataset/results/". the results of each model form a line of the file, and each line contains the number of epochs followed by the metrics specified by --metrics.

-iter In default(when this option is False) make one input sequence per each users in test data for testing model dividing movie history into half. If a user watched n movies, use m_1, m_2 ... m_n/2 as input and the others as criteria. If this is set True, generates n input-criteria pairs like [m_1 / m_2 .. m_n], [m_1, m_2 / m_3 ... m_n] ... [m_1, m_2 .. m_n-1 / m_n]. So you can evaluate the performance of model more precisly. Of course, this takes much more time.

Recurrent Neural Networks parameters

The RNN have many options allowing to change the type/size/number of layers, the training procedure and the objective function, and some options are specific to a particular objective function.

Option Desciption
--r_t [LSTM, GRU, Vanilla] Type of recurrent layer (default is LSTM)
--r_l size_of_layer1-size_of_layer2-etc. Size and number of layers. for example, --r_l 100-50-50 creates a layer with 50 hidden neurons on top of another layer with 50 hidden neurons on top of a layer with 100 hidden neurons. Default: 32.
--r_bi Use bidirectional layers.
--r_emb size Adds an embedding layer before the recurrent layer. By default no embedding layer is used, but it is adviced to use one (e.g. --r_emb 100).
--act Activation function for rnn.

other parameters for tying matrix are not added yet.

Update mechanism
Option Desciption
--u_m [adagrad, adadelta, rmsprop, nesterov, adam] Update mechanism.
--u_l float Learning rate (default: 0.001). The default learning rate works well with adam. For adagrad --u_l 0.1 is adviced.
--u_rho float rho parameter for Adadelta and RMSProp, or momentum for Nesterov momentum (default: 0.9).
--u_b1 float Beta 1 parameter for Adam (default: 0.9).
--u_b2 float Beta 2 parameter for Adam (default: 0.999).
Option Desciption
--n_dropout P Dropout probability (default: 0.)
--n_shuf P Probability that an item is swapped with another one (default: 0.).
--n_shuf_std STD If an item is swapped, the position of the other item is drawn from a normal distribution whose std is defined by this parameter (default: 5.).
Other options
Option Desciption
-b int Size of the mini-batchs (default: 16)
--max_length int Maximum length of sequences (default: 30)
Objective functions
Option Desciption
--loss [CCE, KL] Objective function. CCE is the categorical cross-entropy, KL is the KL divergence. Default is CCE.
-r float Only for CCE. Add a regularization term. A positive value will use L2 regularization and a negative value will use L1(not added yet). Default: 0.

If you want to make same result as the paper, just download the data from above link instead of running in the project.

This script takes a file containing a dataset of user/item interactions and split it into training/validation/test sets and save them in the format used by and The original dataset must be in a format where each line correspond to a single user/item interaction.

The only required argument is -f path/to/dataset, which is used to specify the original dataset. The script will create subfolders named "data", "models" and "results" in the folder containing the original dataset. "data" is used by to store all the files it produces, "models" is used by to store the trained models and "results" is used by to store the results of the tests.

The optional arguments are the following:

Option Desciption
--columns Order of the columns in the file (eg: "uirt"), u for user, i for item, t for timestamp, r for rating. If r is not present a default rating of 1 is given to all interaction. If t is not present interactions are assumed to be in chronological order. Extra columns are ignored. Default: uit
--sep Separator between the column. If unspecified pandas will try to guess the separator
--min_user_activity Users with less interactions than this will be removed from the dataset. Default: 2
--min_item_pop Items with less interactions than this will be removed from the dataset. Default: 5
--val_size Number of users to put in the validation set. If in (0,1) it will be interpreted as the fraction of total number of users. Default: 0.1
--test_size Number of users to put in the test set. If in (0,1) it will be interpreted as the fraction of total number of users. Default: 0.1
--seed Seed for the random train/val/test split


In the movielens 1M dataset each line has the following format:


To process it you have to specify the order of the columns, in this case uirt (for user, item, rating, timestamp), and the separator ("::"). If you want to use a hundred users for the validation set and a hundred others for the test set, you'll have to use the following command:

python -f path/to/datafile(.dat or .csv, etc) --columns uirt --sep :: --val_size 100 --test_size 100