kxr / ocpcr

Ansible playbook to generate an HTML cluster overview report for OpenShift 3
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Open Shift Cluster Report

This playbook generates a cluster overview report for an Open Shift 3 Cluster.


If you would like to request a new component/features in the report, please open a new github issue.


Install the required python-jmespath package:

sudo yum install python-jmespath -y

Clone/copy this repository on the ansible node of the cluster:

git clone https://github.com/kxr/ocpcr.git

Change into the directory:

cd ocpcr

And run the cluster-report.yaml playbook

ansible-playbook cluster-report.yaml

If the ansible inventory of the cluster is in a non-default location, specify it with -i:

ansible-playbook cluster-report.yaml -i /root/ocp311-inventory

Once the playbook finishes, it will generate the report in a HTML file OpenShift_Cluster_OverviewReport\.html

The playbook can email the report to one or more recipents as well. Set the email_report: to True and provide the SMTP configuration in cluster-report.yaml

    email_report: True
    email_from: cluster-report@email.com (OpenShift Cluster Overview)
      - khizer@email.com
      - someone@email.com
    smtp_host: smtp.gmail.com
    smtp_port: 587
    smtp_user: smtp_auth_user@email.com
    smtp_pass: xxxxxx


OpenShift Cluster Overview Report 2020-03-09



This is work in progress and I will be adding more components to the report. To understand the architecture of the playbook / jinja templating, please see the wiki section.

Please feel free to write new components and send a pull request.