kyassini / manipulation_experiments

Pick & place code for testing dynamic grasping packages (GPD and GQCNN) with the Kinova Gen3 arm
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This repo contains ROS packages in separate branches for testing two grasping algorithms (GPD 2.0.0 [1] and GQCNN 1.1.0) on the Kinova Gen3. Specifically, for grasping comparison experiments. All testing was done on Ubuntu 16.04 w/ ROS Kinetic in Simulation and with a Real workstation.

Required ROS packages for the Gen3:

Setting Up the Gen3 through Ethernet:

Gen3 Manual

  1. Reset robot to factory settings (Hold power button for 10 seconds)
  2. Connect Ethernet cable from arm to PC
  3. On Ubuntu: Add Ethernet Network Connection -> IPv4 Settings -> Address =, Mask =
  4. Go to on a browser to confirm that the arm is connected
  5. Use the arm in RVIZ: roslaunch kortex_driver kortex_driver.launch arm:=gen3 gripper:=robotiq_2f_85 ip_address:=

Setting up GPD_ROS

  1. Follow the GPD Install Instructions
    1. Make sure to pull the GPD 2.0.0 release
    2. Use PCL version 1.7.2 (Solves PCL error when using GPD_ROS)
    3. Use OpenCV version
    4. Had to comment out lines 769:773 in src/gpd/util/plot.cpp to solve a "not found" error
    5. Might have to remove the improc.h include that causes a build error
  2. Change paths in cfg/ros_eigen_params.cfg Example:
    weights_file = /home/kyassini/gpd-2.0.0/models/lenet/15channels/params/
  3. Make sure ./detect_grasps ../cfg/eigen_params.cfg ../tutorials/krylon.pcd works without any errors and the GUI pops up. (Press E to see the grasps)
    1. If anything fails then make sure to resolve it before moving on
  4. Clone GPD_ROS to your catkin_ws/src
  5. Replace ur5.launch with desired params for the arm and your install location of GPD 2.0.0.
    1. Gen3.launch example included in this repo
  6. Catkin build
    1. NOTE: You may have to catkin clean, then build ONLY gpd_ros first. After, you can build everything else. Doing this solved a "bad date error" for me.

Running the GPD Grasping node

  1. Need a running kortex diver:
    1. For simulation (Can toggle sim_workstation):
      roslaunch kortex_gazebo spawn_kortex_robot.launch arm:=gen3 gripper:=robotiq_2f_85 sim_workstation:=false dof:=7
    2. For the real Arm:
      roslaunch kortex_driver kortex_driver.launch arm:=gen3 gripper:=robotiq_2f_85 ip_address:=
      roslaunch kinova_vision kinova_vision.launch device:=
  2. Build and launch the appropriate launch file
    1. gpd_grasping_node.launch: launches GPD and the grasping node
    2. real_gen3_grasping: launches the above and the Kinova vision node

If everything runs correctly, you will get the following behavior:


First start with the simulated arm and the sim_workstation disabled to reduced other variables. View the published Combined_Cloud in rviz. Occasionally in simulation the cloud will not be transformed correctly, not sure how to fix this as the same code works 100% of the time with the real depth camera.

Basic Grasping Node Structure

  1. Move to a set position
  2. Take a "screenshot" of the point cloud from the wrist depth camera
  3. Filter and potentially concatenate the clouds
  4. Publish cloud to GPD_ROS node, get a grasp msg in return
  5. Calculate pre and post grasp positions along approach vector from the grasp msg
  6. Plan to Pre-grasp, move in to grasp object, and then move out to a post-grasp
  7. Move to a "hold" position for 5 seconds to verify that the object was adequately grasped



[1] Andreas ten Pas, Marcus Gualtieri, Kate Saenko, and Robert Platt. Grasp Pose Detection in Point Clouds. The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol 36, Issue 13-14, pp. 1455-1473. October 2017.