kyauy / PhenoGenius

Apache License 2.0
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title: PhenoGenius emoji: genie sdk: streamlit sdk_version: 1.25.0 app_file: python_version: 3.8 pinned: true


Symptom interaction modeling for precision medicine


Symptom interaction model provide a method to standardize clinical descriptions and fully exploit phenotypic data in precision medicine.

This repository contains scripts and files to use PhenoGenius, the phenotype matching system for genetic disease based on this model. Please try PhenoGenius in the cloud at

If you use PhenoGenius, please cite:

Yauy et al., Learning phenotypic patterns in genetic disease by symptom interaction modeling. medrXiv (2023).


python == 3.8 #(pyenv install 3.8)
poetry #(
poetry install

NB: if git-lfs is not installed, you won't be able to download PhenoGenius resources.

Use streamlit webapp in your desktop


poetry shell
streamlit run

Use command-line client


poetry shell
python --hpo_list HP:0000107,HP:0000108,HP:0001407,HP:0005562 --result_file PKD1.tsv
Usage: [OPTIONS]

  --version           Show the version and exit.
  --result_file TEXT  Output file name, default = match.tsv
  --hpo_list TEXT     (Mandatory) List of HPO terms to match, separated with
  --gene_list TEXT    (Optional) List of genes in NCBI ID format to match,
                      separated with commas
Field Description
gene_id NCBI gene identifier
gene_symbol HGNC gene symbol
rank Output line position, from the most to the less "phenotype matching" (integer)
score “Phenotype matching”: confidence of the symptoms gene association. The higher it is, the higher this confidence (float)
hpo_implicated List of HPO IDs associated to the gene (scores correspond to confidence to each HPO gene association)
hpo_description_implicated List of HPO names associated to the gene
phenotype_specificity Phenotype specificity into one of "A", "B", "C" or "D"
A - Highly specific and relatively unique to the gene (top 40, 50% of diagnosis in PhenoGenius cohort)
B - Consistent with the gene, highly specific, but not unique (top 250, 75% of diagnosis in PhenoGenius cohort)
C - Limited association, not highly specific or with high genetic heterogeneity
D - Not consistent with what is expected for the gene/genomic region or not consistent in general

Explore interactive graphs of symptoms interactions

Human Phenotype Ontology

Click on the image! HPO

Groups of interacting symptoms

Click on the image! Groups

Enjoy !


PhenoGenius is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.


PhenoGenius is a collaboration of :


Université Grenoble Alpes