kyberias / dtumodbus

Modbus to MQTT integration for Hoymiles DTU Pro
MIT License
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Modbus to MQTT integration for Hoymiles DTU Pro

This program reads solar panel status from Hoymiles DTU Pro and sends it to given MQTT topics. The DTU device is polled approximately once per minute using the Modbus TCP protocol.

The following data is sent:


The following settings are available in appsettings.json.

mqtt:broker Host name of the MQTT broker. The default port will be used.
mqtt:username Username used to login to the MQTT broker.
mqtt:password Password used to login to the MQTT broker.
mqtt:totalPowerTopic Path to the topic used to publish the current total power of the panels (kW)
mqtt:totalTodayProductionTopic Path to the topic used to publish the accumulated daily solar energy (kWh)
dtu:hostname Hostname or IP address of the DTU device.
dtu:port Modbus TCP Port of the DTU device.
panels:numPanels Number of panels to query.
Logging Standard .NET logging settings.


dotnet build


Make sure you have at least V00.02.15 of DTU firmware since earlier versions have very unstable Modbus TCP implementation.

Update configuration in appsettings.json and run the executable.

dotnet run