This project was made because of my want for a fast and easy API for Infinite Campus. This project is based off of @j-koreth 's Infinite-Campus-API-2 (
I am currently finished with this project. I cleaned up the code to the best of my abilities, but forgive me for the lack of comments. Feel free to expand upon this code or even convert it to a different language [ please credit me though :) ].
All scripts can be run by normal python
or by chmod +x
then ./
returns all your current grades in the console based on semester choice. It also has a saved login feature that can be used with
is a command-line interface for accessing your grades; it spits out the raw dictionary-based or xml grades for your own application.
( -u <username> -p <password> -i <district-id> -c <optional: uses existing save file> -x <optional: spits out xml instead of default dictionary)
The Infinite Campus Python API uses a few dependencies which can all be obtained through pip. These include: ast
, xmltodict
, requests
, collections
, & getpass