kyle-kelly / MMM-uber

A module for MagicMirror which displays ETA and surge pricing for UBER.
17 stars 6 forks source link
magicmirror raspberry-pi smarthome uber

Deprecation Notice

Unfortunatley, Uber has shut down their public API. This app is no longer funtional at the moment.


Alt text

A module for the Magic Mirror. This module displays ETA and surge pricing for Uber.

The module is loosely based on another Uber module that I could not get working due to a CORS error.


To install, clone this repository into your modules folder. Then add the following to your configuration file:

    module: 'MMM-uber',
    position: 'top_left',
    header: 'Uber (DC)',
    config: {
        lat: XX.XXXX,  // use your exact pickup loaction
        lng: XX.XXXX, // use your exact pickup loaction
        uberServerToken: '<your Uber service token>',

The Uber server token is acquired through Uber by registering as a developer.

Configuration Options

The following properties can be configured:

Options Description
header| Can be changed to any string or left blank: ' '
ride_types| The ride type for time and cost estimates. The latest release allows for multiple ride types to be displayed through one module. Add to the config: {} section.
Possible values: 'UberPool', 'UberXL', 'Select', 'Black', 'Black SUV'.
Default value: 'uberX'.
Examples: ride_types: [ 'UberPool' ] or ride_types: [ 'UberX', 'UberXL' ]