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A simple, clean workflow for sensitivity analysis with mrgsolve.

mod <- mread("pk1", modlib(), end = 48, delta = 0.1)
. Building pk1 ... done.
.  Model parameters (N=3):
.  name value . name value
.  CL   1     | V    20   
.  KA   1     | .    .

PK model sensitivity analysis by factor

The nominal (in model) parameter value is divided and multiplied by a factor, generating minimum and maximum bounds for simulating a sequence of parameter values

out <- 
  mod %>% 
  ev(amt = 100) %>% 
  select_par(CL, V) %>% 
  parseq_fct(.n=8) %>% 

sens_plot(out, "CP")

The simulated data is returned in a long format

. # A tibble: 23,232 × 7
.    case  time p_name p_value dv_name dv_value ref_value
. * <int> <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>
. 1     1     0 CL         0.5 EV             0         0
. 2     1     0 CL         0.5 EV             0       100
. 3     1     0 CL         0.5 CENT           0         0
. 4     1     0 CL         0.5 CENT           0         0
. 5     1     0 CL         0.5 CP             0         0
. # ℹ 23,227 more rows

And you can plot with more informative color scale and legend

sens_plot(out, "CP", grid = TRUE)

HIV viral dynamic model

We look at latent infected cell pool development over ten years at different “burst” size, or the number of HIV particles released when one cell lyses.

mod <- mread("hiv", "inst/example")
. Building hiv ... done.
mod %>% 
  update(end = 365*10) %>%
  parseq_range(N = c(900,1500), .n = 10) %>%
  sens_each(tscale = 1/365) %>% 
  sens_plot("L", grid = TRUE)

Sensitivity analysis on custom sequences

The model is rifampicin PBPK.

mod <- mread("inst/example/rifampicin.cpp") %>% update(delta = 0.1)
. Building rifampicin_cpp ... done.
mod %>% 
  ev(amt = 600) %>% 
    SFKp = seq_fct(.$SFKp, n = 20), 
    Kp_muscle = seq_even(0.001, 0.1, n = 6)
  ) %>% 
  sens_each() %>% 

Simulate a grid

To this point, we have always used sens_each so that each value for each parameter is simulated one at a time. Now, simulate the grid or all combinations.

We use parseq_cv here, which generates lower and upper bounds for the range using 50% coefficient of variation.

out <- 
  mod %>% 
  update(outvars = "Ccentral") %>%
  ev(amt = 600) %>% 
  parseq_cv(fBCLint_all_kg, .n = 7) %>% 
  parseq_cv(SFKp, Kp_muscle, .n = 3) %>% 
  sens_grid(recsort = 3) 

. # A tibble: 15,372 × 8
.    case fBCLint_all_kg  SFKp Kp_muscle  time dv_name  dv_value ref_value
. * <int>          <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl>
. 1     1          0.138  3.65    0.0520   0   Ccentral     0         0   
. 2     1          0.138  3.65    0.0520   0   Ccentral     0         0   
. 3     1          0.138  3.65    0.0520   0   Ccentral     0         0   
. 4     1          0.138  3.65    0.0520   0   Ccentral     0         0   
. 5     1          0.138  3.65    0.0520   0.1 Ccentral     3.66      3.14
. # ℹ 15,367 more rows
out %>% sens_plot("Ccentral")

Local sensitivity analysis

mod <- modlib("pk2", delta = 0.1, end = 72)
. Building pk2 ... done.
doses <- ev(amt = 100)

out <- lsa(mod, var = "CP", par = "CL,V2,Q", events = doses)

. # A tibble: 2,166 × 5
.    time dv_name dv_value p_name     sens
.   <dbl> <chr>      <dbl> <chr>     <dbl>
. 1   0   CP         0     CL      0      
. 2   0   CP         0     CL      0      
. 3   0.1 CP         0.472 CL     -0.00254
. 4   0.2 CP         0.893 CL     -0.00514
. 5   0.3 CP         1.27  CL     -0.00782
. # ℹ 2,161 more rows
lsa_plot(out, pal = NULL)