kylebarron / serverless-aerial-imagery

Serve NAIP and Landsat aerial imagery tiles on the fly with AWS Lambda
MIT License
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Create mosaic

Install cogeo-mosaic, which takes .tif files as input and creates a MosaicJSON. cogeo-mosaic depends on pygeos, which I've been unable to install through pip, so I first install that through Conda.

conda install pygeos -c conda-forge -y
pip install cogeo-mosaic

Download manifest

aws s3 cp s3://naip-visualization/manifest.txt ./ --request-payer
cat manifest.txt \
    | awk -F '/' '{print $1}' \
    | uniq \
    | sed '/manifest.test/d' \
    > states.txt

cat states.txt | while read state
    cat manifest.txt \
        | grep "^${state}/" \
        | awk -F '/' '{print $2}' \
        | uniq \
        | sort -nr \
        | head -n 1 \
        | sed -e "s|^|${state}/|" \
        >> states_latest.txt

cat states_latest.txt | while read state_latest
    cat manifest.txt \
        | grep "^${state_latest}/" \
        | grep ".tif" \
        | sed -e 's|^|s3://naip-visualization/|' \
        >> tif_latest.txt

See how many tif images per state

cat states.txt | while read state
    # printf "State: $state "
    cat tif_latest.txt \
        | grep "^s3://naip-visualization/${state}/" \
        | wc -l

Example with Rhode Island

cat tif_latest.txt \
    | grep "^s3://naip-visualization/ri/" \
    | cogeo-mosaic footprint - > footprint.geojson

Total number of files

> wc -l tif_latest.txt
219068 tif_latest.txt

NAIP imagery tiffs are in a requester pays bucket. In order to access them, you need to set the AWS_REQUEST_PAYER environment variable:

export AWS_REQUEST_PAYER="requester"

I also found that on an AWS EC2 instance; cogeo-mosaic create was failing while it was working on my local computer. In general, if cogeo-mosaic create isn't working for some URL; you should run rio info <URL> and see what the error is, since cogeo-mosaic uses rasterio internally, but doesn't currently print rasterio errors to stdout. In my case, I had to set the certificates path (see cogeotiff/rio-tiler#19, mapbox/rasterio#942).

export CURL_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

Then create the MosaicJSON file. GET requests are priced at $0.0004 per 1000 requests, so creating the MosaicJSON should cost 0.0004 * (219068 / 1000) = 0.087. 9 cents!

Just RI for now...

cat tif_latest.txt \
    | cogeo-mosaic create - --threads 2 \
    > naip_mosaic.json


git clone

# Create lambda package
cd cogeo-mosaic-tiler & make package

# Deploy
npm install serverless -g
sls deploy --bucket kylebarron-landsat-test --region us-west-2

Add the mosaic json

export ENDPOINT_URL="..."
export ENDPOINT_URL=""
curl -X POST -d @list.json "${ENDPOINT_URL}/add"

Custom endpoint

Go to Cloudflare > Choose Domain > SSL/TLS > Origin Server > Create Certificate.