This is an example to show how to use BeauitfulSoup to scrape data from a webpage. Of course, websites may change over time so any code that uses web scraping is more subject to rot than usual.
You must have support for LXML
Ubuntu 20
$ sudo apt install python3-lxml
$ git clone
cd metal_prices
The example page being scraped only goes back a couple of weeks, so the date matching will only work for date ranges that fall with in that period. This is for demonstration purposes only.
$ python
$ cat gold_prices.csv
Date,Opening Price
2021-01-08, 1840.80
2021-01-07, 1913.60
2021-01-06, 1908.60
2021-01-05, 1954.40
2021-01-04, 1946.60
2021-01-01, 1901.60
2020-12-31, 1895.10
2020-12-30, 1893.40
2020-12-29, 1882.90
2020-12-28, 1880.40
2020-12-24, 1883.20
2020-12-23, 1878.10
2020-12-22, 1870.30
2020-12-21, 1882.80
2020-12-18, 1888.90
2020-12-17, 1890.40
2020-12-16, 1859.10
2020-12-15, 1855.30
2020-12-14, 1832.10
2020-12-11, 1843.60
2020-12-10, 1837.40
$ python
* Serving Flask app "price_api" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
# Note: change the end date to something recent from the last 2 weeks
# or the API will return an empty set.
$ curl 'http://localhost:8080/commodity?start_date=2020-05-15&end_date=2021-01-07&commodity_type=silver'
"data": {
"2021-01-07": 27.261,
"2021-01-06": 27.042,
"2021-01-05": 27.64,
"2021-01-04": 27.364,
"2021-01-03": 27.008,
"2021-01-01": 26.525,
"2020-12-31": 26.412,
"2020-12-30": 26.573,
"2020-12-29": 26.217,
"2020-12-28": 26.539,
"2020-12-27": 26.295,
"2020-12-24": 25.908,
"2020-12-23": 25.921,
"2020-12-22": 25.535,
"2020-12-21": 26.379,
"2020-12-20": 26.015,
"2020-12-18": 26.033,
"2020-12-17": 26.181,
"2020-12-16": 25.052,
"2020-12-15": 24.644,
"2020-12-14": 24.047,
"2020-12-13": 24.073,
"2020-12-11": 24.092,
"2020-12-10": 24.094
"mean": 25.95208333333333,
"variance": 1.1883564275362322