kyledinh / zio-blogapp

A Zio, Scala 3, Postgres, ScalaJS, Laminar App
Apache License 2.0
20 stars 2 forks source link

ZIO Blog App

A sample full-stack application written with ZIO 2, Scala 3 and ScalaJS/Laminar. This project is used to explore the development experience of using Scala 3 for the full stack and deploying to Kubernetes.

Table of Contents

Software Versions

Software Version Install
JVM openjdk 17.0.4
Scala 3.2.2
sbt 1.8.2
Zio 2.0.2
ScalaJS 1.13.1
Laminar 15.0.1
Postgres 14
Docker Desktop 4.3.x

Quick Guide to localdev with Docker

Requires Docker to be running


Run the local database, start backend server in Terminal 1

Start the database

To run the backend API server (With sbt server)

Run the frontend in a separate Terminal 2

Check processes that are running

Port number for services

Service Default Port Environment Var Usage
frontend :3000 http://localhost:3000/
backend :4000 BLOGAPPBACKEND_PORT http://localhost:4000/scrawls
postgres :5432 DATABASE_URL postgres://$username:$password@$host:$port/$dbname

Deploy to Kubernetes Cluster

This project example will use the my Docker Hub public account at

Build the Docker images

Setup for Kubernetes Local Stack

Command to View/Edit the Kubernetes Stack

Check the Postgres DB in the Docker container

Postgres DB


using the Simplex Bootstrap Theme:

Board Page Screenshot People Page Screenshot Person Page Screenshot

Or you can view screenshots with the custom Medio CSS theme, this version is preserved in the "medio" branch:

Medio Page Screenshot

Project Outline

A good starting point to understand this repo is with the Makefile. It will have the most common commands to check, setup, compile and build the project.

├── Makefile                   Commands to build/develop this project 
├── backend                    Scala code for RESTful api 
│   └── src
│       ├── main
│       └── test
├── build.sbt                  Dependency manager 
├── docker                     Scripts to build Docker images 
├── docker_pg_vol              Docker volume for Postgres DB
├── frontend                   Scala code that generates `main.js` for the webserver
│   ├── src
│   │   └── main
│   └── target
│       └── scala-3.1.3        main.js will be generated here
├── html                      Javasript webserver using vite/Node
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── main.js
│   ├── main.scss
│   ├── medio/                 CSS/JS UI Template folder, "Medio" custom theme
│   ├── node_modules/
│   ├── package.json
│   ├── postcss.config.js
│   ├── simplex/               CSS/JS UI Template folder, "Simplex" Bootstrap theme
│   ├── tailwind.config.js
│   ├── vite.config.js
│   └── yarn.lock
├── kubernetes                 Files to deploy to Kube Cluster (locally) 
├── project                    The only project directory to be concerned with
│   ├──       sbt version  
│   └── plugins.sbt            plugins
├── sem-version                x.x.x
└── shared                     Scala code shared by backend and frontend, models 
    └── src
        ├── main
        └── test

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