kylemarsh / jekyll-gallery-generator

:ledger: Jekyll plugin to generate image galleries from directories
MIT License
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Effortless Image Albums for Jekyll

Jekyll Gallery Generator is a plugin for the Jekyll static site generator to streamline creating image albums and a gallery site. Gather images for an album into a directory and the gallery generator will create an album page for each directory.


So far Jekyll Gallery Generator requires Ruby, Jekyll, minimagick, jekyll-image-tag, and ImageMagick.

In an upcoming release it will likely require miniexiftool as well.

Once you have the dependencies installed Just put gallery_generator.rb in the _plugins directory and album_index.html image_page.html in _layouts (or write your own templates). Put album.css in your css directory and import it into your main CSS file (or, again, write your own CSS).

You'll need to include the following YAML snippet in your _config.yml for jekyll-image-tag to work, but don't actually need any further changes to _config.yml:

    output: generated
            width: 200
                class: album-image
            width: 1200
                class: image

Finally, put directories full of images in a directory called "albums" and build your site!


There are three parts to using the gallery generator:


Your should specify album_dir: some_directory. If it does not, album_dir defaults to "albums".

Directory Structure

If your album_dir is "albums" then this structure:

| |-Some Event
| | |-IMG_123.jpg
| | |-IMG_124.jpg
| |-Family
|   |-album_info.yml
|   |-Mom_and_Dad_Anniversary.jpg
|   |-Morgan.jpg
|   |-Terry_and_Leslie.jpg

will build a gallery with two albums: "Some Event" and "Family". Event/index.html will show two images: IMG_123.jpg and IMG_124.jpg. Similarly, will show three images: Morgan.jpg, Terri_and_Leslie.jpg, and Mom_and_Dad_Anniversary.jpg. The Family album has metadata about the album that it reads from album_info.yml.

The data in album_info.yml is structured as a hash -- just like _config.yml -- and affects the behavior of your album. Possible metadata keys are:

description: Lorem ipsum dolor hipster nonsense
sort: filename desc
hidden: false


Your album template must be named album_index.html and should loop over page.images to actually place all the images on the page. page.images is an array of hashes; each has has two keys: rel_link and source. For example:

layout: default
page_type: album
<h2>{{ page.title }}</h2>
{% for image in page.images %}
    <a href="{{ image.rel_link }}">{% image album_thumb {{ image.src }} %}</a>
{% endfor %}

Your image page template must be named image_page.html. The page variable contains the following data:

If you want to list all available albums, make sure that your album template includes page_type: albums and then put this in your site's homepage (or wherever you want the album list):

{% for page in site.pages %}
    {% if page.page_type == 'album' %}
        {% if page.hidden %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
        <li><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></li>
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}