kylethayer / bioladder-old

An Interactive Tree of Life viewer and wiki.
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

BioLadder is an interactive tree of life viewer and wiki, and is open source under the GPL-V3 License.

It is hosted at:

If you wish to help, go to the project wiki page for more info:

Installing to run the site:

To run it yourself, you need a web server, PHP and a MySQL Database. You can get a combo install of all of them at:

Once you have those, make sure you have the code checked out in a directory that is being hosted.

Next go to the wiki page (localhost/wiki) and run through the setup, connecting it to your database and such. When you are done, save the LocalSettings.php file and add the following line to the end of it: require_once( "$IP/LocalSettingsExtras.php" ); You may need to update the string "localhost" in LocalSettingsExtras.php Next go to the Semantic MediaWiki setup wiki/index.php?title=Special:SMWAdmin and press the "Initialise or upgrade tables" button

Next you need data in your wiki. In order to set up the semantic forms like they are on BioLadder.Org. Copy the source following pages from to http://localhost/wiki/index.php?title= For the following pages: Property:Has_Simplified_Ancestor Property:Has_Wikipedia_Image Property:Has_Wikipedia_Page Template:Entry Form:Entry Category:Entry Project:Main

Now you can use the forms to fill out data, so Copy the data from, for example, to http://localhost/wiki/index.php?title=Human "human" (http://localhost/wiki/index.php?title=Human&action=edit)

Now go to http://localhost/ and the viewer should work.

Additional Installation for bots and code editing

To modify the css, you will need the ruby gem Compass. Install Ruby from here: and then install compass by running: gem install compass To compile the Sass file run compass compile viewer/resources/sass To have compass monitor the Sass files as you edit it, run: compass watch viewer/resources/sass

In order to compile the viewer for production, you will need Sencha CMD (requires ruby and compass from above) Version used in code is 3.1.1: Then go to your viewer directory (in the shell or cmd) and type sencha app build It will put the compiled code in viewer/build/BioLadderOrg/production

If you want Google Analytics code to be built into your production versions of the viewer code, just copy the googleAnalyticsInclude.html.template file, remove the template and put in your google analytics ID.

For Google Analytics in the wiki, add to the end of LocalSettings.php: $wgGoogleAnalyticsAccount = "UA-*****";

The PopularDescendants bot requires Ruby (see above) with the mediawiki-gateway and rubygems installed. gem install rubygems-update gem install mediawiki-gateway (0.5.2 wouldn't install on it's own, you may need to run: gem install mediawiki-gateway -v '0.5.1')

            The Code:

The Code There are two parts of the project: 1) wiki directory, which contains a mediawiki with symantic wiki 2) viewer directory, which contains a Sencha 2.1 app (only works with IE10, Safari and Chrome)