kyma-project / cli

Simple set of commands to manage a Kyma installation
Apache License 2.0
111 stars 118 forks source link
cli kyma

REUSE status

Kyma CLI

[!WARNING] The Kyma CLI version v2, with all commands available within this version, is deprecated. We've started designing the v3 commands that will be first released within the alpha command group. Read more about the decision here.

Kyma CLI is a command line tool which supports Kyma users.


[!WARNING] v3 is still in the prototyping stage. All commands are still considered alpha - use it at your own risk.

Download the latest build from the main branch from v0.0.0-dev release assets.

To run Kyma CLI on MacOS, run the following script from the project's root folder:


This script downloads a Linux/MacOS variant of Kyma CLI v3 binary into bin/kyma@v3.

Inspect the new available alpha commands by calling the --help option:

 ./bin/kyma@v3 alpha  --help


Import Image Into Kyma's Internal Docker Registry

[!NOTE] To use the following image-import command, you must install the Docker Registry module on your Kyma runtime

docker pull kennethreitz/httpbin

./bin/kyma@v3 alpha image-import kennethreitz/httpbin:latest

Run a Pod from a locally hosted image

kubectl run my-pod --image=localhost:32137/kennethreitz/httpbin:latest --overrides='{ "spec": { "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "dockerregistry-config" } ] } }'


To build a Kyma CLI binary, run:

go build -o kyma-cli  main.go

You can run the command directly from the go code. For example:

go run main.go provision --help


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See the license file.