kyoshiro10500 / GA-Viz

GA-Viz project
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GA-Viz is a data visualization tool for genetic algorithms. Created in cooperation between Universiti Teknologi Petronas, ESAD Reims and JIN (Jeux vidéo / Intéractions et collaborations numériques) of Evry. This is an end of studies' project from JIN developped by Cloquet Benjamin (TSP), Freyssinet Olivier (TSP), Jacquemin Thomas (TSP), Person Victor (ENSIIE) and Touchard Pierre (X).

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


The project runs with Qt 5.8+ and needs at least Glibc 2.17, Zlib and gcc 5.0 to run on a deploy target.


Go to the app directory and run the make command or run the bundled appimage.


There are two exemples : GA_Out_Clustered and xaa (inside The first is a rather small file and the second is a 100Mo file to test.


To deploy the application, the easiest way is to directly use linuxdeployqt ( ) to create an appimage which can run on all up-to-date unix systems. You can also download appimage from the release section

Built With


This project is licensed under the GPL/LGPL license according to the open source version of Qt (


As this is an end of studies' project, we are under the wish of our client to let the project be opensource. Fell free to use and adapt the code to other application in respect of the license.