kyoz / godot-native-rating

:star: Godot 3&4 plugin to request Native Rating on Mobile
MIT License
11 stars 1 forks source link

No Rating plugin in Android expert after intallation #3

Closed flashag closed 5 months ago

flashag commented 5 months ago

Godot version


Plugin version


Phone information

Xiaomi 9T

Issue description

First thank you for the plugin but I didn't have a chance to test it.

I copied files from zip to your_project/android/plugins but no plugin appeared. Although iOS plugin showed up.

Should I copy something else?

Steps to reproduce

  1. follow instruction
  2. install android plugin
  3. no plugin in android preset

Additional context

No response

kyoz commented 5 months ago

That's odd, i just using it today and it just work. Can you download this example and try if it showing in android export:

flashag commented 5 months ago

I tried it but no luck. Even iOS doesn't show the plugin in the preset. But I've noticed there is no android folder in the example.

kyoz commented 5 months ago

Yup, you have to install Android Build Template your self, then there will be android/plugins folder for you to copy this plugin to. Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 20 10 47 Also don't forget to check this in export window: Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 20 11 30

kyoz commented 5 months ago

When ever you change godot version, you have to delete the android folder and Install Android Build Template over again.

flashag commented 5 months ago

The same with this example project :( It works for iOS but Android.

Here is the video:

kyoz commented 5 months ago

Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 20 28 54 I just try it. It work as it should. Are you sure you downloaded the correct version for the plugin. You should download

If it still not work, you should try delete android folder, run Project -> Install Android Build Template.... Then copy the plugin again.

flashag commented 5 months ago

It just isn't working. I did what you said - no luck. I deleted Android preset and created new one - same. I tried to rename folder as "Rating", "rating", leave it as is - doesn't work. Changed renderer from Compatibility to Mobile - same.

I don't know what else it can be!

I have Godot version 4.1.1

kyoz commented 5 months ago

You don't have to create a folder for the plugin or change compatibility mode, just paste extracted content of the plugin directly in android/plugins folder.

Here is a exactly build for 4.1.1.

flashag commented 5 months ago

Yeah I know. I mean it can be anything so I tried all the stuff but nothing helped. I tried build for 4.1.1 but nothing changes. Can you please show me your build.gradle may be that's the problem.

flashag commented 5 months ago

Just an example: I added another plugin files to android/plugins and the plugin immediately appeared in export preset

kyoz commented 5 months ago

I though it was Godot version is error so i tried to install Godot 4.1.1 and the plugin still work normally (Tried with the example i send you before). Screenshot 2024-01-27 at 20 20 51

I don't think it's by build.gradle but here is it.

// Gradle build config for Godot Engine's Android port.
buildscript {
    apply from: 'config.gradle'

    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath libraries.androidGradlePlugin
        classpath libraries.kotlinGradlePlugin

plugins {
    id ''
    id ''

apply from: 'config.gradle'

allprojects {
    repositories {

        // Godot user plugins custom maven repos
        String[] mavenRepos = getGodotPluginsMavenRepos()
        if (mavenRepos != null && mavenRepos.size() > 0) {
            for (String repoUrl : mavenRepos) {
                maven {
                    url repoUrl

configurations {
    // Initializes a placeholder for the devImplementation dependency configuration.
    devImplementation {}

dependencies {
    implementation libraries.kotlinStdLib
    implementation libraries.androidxFragment

    if (rootProject.findProject(":lib")) {
        implementation project(":lib")
    } else if (rootProject.findProject(":godot:lib")) {
        implementation project(":godot:lib")
    } else {
        // Godot gradle build mode. In this scenario this project is the only one around and the Godot
        // library is available through the pre-generated godot-lib.*.aar android archive files.
        debugImplementation fileTree(dir: 'libs/debug', include: ['*.jar', '*.aar'])
        devImplementation fileTree(dir: 'libs/dev', include: ['*.jar', '*.aar'])
        releaseImplementation fileTree(dir: 'libs/release', include: ['*.jar', '*.aar'])

    // Godot user plugins remote dependencies
    String[] remoteDeps = getGodotPluginsRemoteBinaries()
    if (remoteDeps != null && remoteDeps.size() > 0) {
        for (String dep : remoteDeps) {
            implementation dep

    // Godot user plugins local dependencies
    String[] pluginsBinaries = getGodotPluginsLocalBinaries()
    if (pluginsBinaries != null && pluginsBinaries.size() > 0) {
        implementation files(pluginsBinaries)

android {
    compileSdkVersion versions.compileSdk
    buildToolsVersion versions.buildTools
    ndkVersion versions.ndkVersion

    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility versions.javaVersion
        targetCompatibility versions.javaVersion

    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = versions.javaVersion

    assetPacks = [":assetPacks:installTime"]

    defaultConfig {
        // The default ignore pattern for the 'assets' directory includes hidden files and directories which are used by Godot projects.
        aaptOptions {
            ignoreAssetsPattern "!.svn:!.git:!.gitignore:!.ds_store:!*.scc:<dir>_*:!CVS:!thumbs.db:!picasa.ini:!*~"

        ndk {
            String[] export_abi_list = getExportEnabledABIs()
            abiFilters export_abi_list

        manifestPlaceholders = [godotEditorVersion: getGodotEditorVersion()]

        // Feel free to modify the application id to your own.
        applicationId getExportPackageName()
        versionCode getExportVersionCode()
        versionName getExportVersionName()
        minSdkVersion getExportMinSdkVersion()
        targetSdkVersion getExportTargetSdkVersion()

        missingDimensionStrategy 'products', 'template'

    lintOptions {
        abortOnError false
        disable 'MissingTranslation', 'UnusedResources'

    ndkVersion versions.ndkVersion

    packagingOptions {
        exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE'
        exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE'

        // 'doNotStrip' is enabled for development within Android Studio
        if (shouldNotStrip()) {
            doNotStrip '**/*.so'

    signingConfigs {
        debug {
            if (hasCustomDebugKeystore()) {
                storeFile new File(getDebugKeystoreFile())
                storePassword getDebugKeystorePassword()
                keyAlias getDebugKeyAlias()
                keyPassword getDebugKeystorePassword()

        release {
            File keystoreFile = new File(getReleaseKeystoreFile())
            if (keystoreFile.isFile()) {
                storeFile keystoreFile
                storePassword getReleaseKeystorePassword()
                keyAlias getReleaseKeyAlias()
                keyPassword getReleaseKeystorePassword()

    buildTypes {

        debug {
            // Signing and zip-aligning are skipped for prebuilt builds, but
            // performed for Godot gradle builds.
            zipAlignEnabled shouldZipAlign()
            if (shouldSign()) {
                signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
            } else {
                signingConfig null

        dev {
            initWith debug
            // Signing and zip-aligning are skipped for prebuilt builds, but
            // performed for Godot gradle builds.
            zipAlignEnabled shouldZipAlign()
            if (shouldSign()) {
                signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
            } else {
                signingConfig null

        release {
            // Signing and zip-aligning are skipped for prebuilt builds, but
            // performed for Godot gradle builds.
            zipAlignEnabled shouldZipAlign()
            if (shouldSign()) {
                signingConfig signingConfigs.release
            } else {
                signingConfig null

    sourceSets {
        main {
            manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
            java.srcDirs = ['src']
            res.srcDirs = ['res']
            aidl.srcDirs = ['aidl']
            assets.srcDirs = ['assets']
        debug.jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs/debug', 'libs/debug/vulkan_validation_layers']
        dev.jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs/dev']
        release.jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs/release']

    applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        variant.outputs.all { output ->
            output.outputFileName = "android_${}.apk"

task copyAndRenameDebugApk(type: Copy) {
    from "$buildDir/outputs/apk/debug/android_debug.apk"
    into getExportPath()
    rename "android_debug.apk", getExportFilename()

task copyAndRenameDevApk(type: Copy) {
    from "$buildDir/outputs/apk/dev/android_dev.apk"
    into getExportPath()
    rename "android_dev.apk", getExportFilename()

task copyAndRenameReleaseApk(type: Copy) {
    from "$buildDir/outputs/apk/release/android_release.apk"
    into getExportPath()
    rename "android_release.apk", getExportFilename()

task copyAndRenameDebugAab(type: Copy) {
    from "$buildDir/outputs/bundle/debug/build-debug.aab"
    into getExportPath()
    rename "build-debug.aab", getExportFilename()

task copyAndRenameDevAab(type: Copy) {
    from "$buildDir/outputs/bundle/dev/build-dev.aab"
    into getExportPath()
    rename "build-dev.aab", getExportFilename()

task copyAndRenameReleaseAab(type: Copy) {
    from "$buildDir/outputs/bundle/release/build-release.aab"
    into getExportPath()
    rename "build-release.aab", getExportFilename()
kyoz commented 5 months ago

Can you send me the full directory path where your project folder is? Sometime that maybe cause the problem.

flashag commented 5 months ago

my project is here: /Users/user/Documents/Godot projects/Game Folder

and your example project here: /Users/user/Downloads/Example

kyoz commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately, i still can't reprocedure your problem.Tried on all of my pc, laptop with various of Godot version but still doesn't face that issue. Are you tried other godot versions?

flashag commented 5 months ago

I will try, thanks! It's really weird because other plugins work just like that. Can you please show me what the whole path to the plugin looks like in your case? Do you rename the extracted folder or something?

kyoz commented 5 months ago

That's why i told it really weird. Here is my full path:

Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 17 58 01


First i think maybe space in path may cause the problem, but as you showed, your example are in:


So it may not because of space. I'v used like every godot plugins in the github but i've never faced something like that @@.

Is there ary error in the Output when you restart Godot?

flashag commented 5 months ago

Ok, I admit I'm stupid enough. I finally solved it. When you extract the archive it gives you a folder, so I put the folder inside plugins folder, even though I should have put only files from extracted folder inside plugins folder. Just like you showed it.

Thank you once again! You have useful plugins, I'll def test them all!

P.S what do you think about a plugin for some analytics like Firebase but for Godot 4?

kyoz commented 5 months ago

No problem, bro. For analytics, because of something happen with google policy in the past which is very confused (for both dev and user), so i no longer using that. I just using Admob metric.

And of course, the main reason is that the SDK have some gap. Mean, when you using several plugins (like admob, firebase...etc.) It can cause conflict and will unable to build.

I'm still watching for it. I'll rewrite and maintain as much as Godot plugin as i can.

flashag commented 5 months ago
