kyoz / godot-native-rating

:star: Godot 3&4 plugin to request Native Rating on Mobile
MIT License
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android godot ios plugin

Godot Native Rating
Godot Native Rating

Godot plugin to request Native Rating on Android/iOS. Supports Godot 3 & 4.




This plugin helps you request native rating on mobile (Android/iOS).

Built using automation scripts combined with CI/CD to help speed up the release progress as well as the release of hotfixes which save some of our time.

Supports Godot 3 & 4.



Download the Android plugin (match your Godot version), and extract them to your_project/android/plugins

Enable Rating plugin in your Android export preset.

Note: You must use custom build for Android to use plugins.


Download the iOS plugin (match your Godot version), and extract them to ios/plugins

Enable Rating plugin in your iOS export preset.


An autoload script is provided for easier use of this plugin.

Download autoload file (match your Godot version). Add it to your project autoload list.

Then you can easily use the plugin anywhere with:


# Godot 3
Rating.connect("on_completed", self, "_on_completed")

# Godot 4

"Why do I have to call init()?"

Well, if you don't want to, you can change init() to _ready() on the autoload file. But in my experience, when using a lot of plugins, initializing all plugins on _ready() is not a good idea. This way, you can choose whenever to initialize the plugin e.g. when showing a loading scene, etc.

For more detail, see examples



void show() # Requests and shows rating Popup


signal on_error(error_code) # Rating request failed, returning error_code
signal on_completed() # Rating request displayed and completed

Error Codes


Android only. Happens when there's no Google Play Services on the user's phone. Rarely happens, because normally they will install your app through Google Play.


iOS only. Happens when the plugin can't find an active scene. Make sure you calling show() method when the app is runing in foreground.


Rarely happens also. For example, on Android, if the user is in China Mainland, they are not allowed native rating. It could also happen if the user installed your app from sources other than Google Play.


Testing on iOS is pretty simple.

However, when testing on Android, you have to publish your app to Google Play Console, or at least make it public to Internal Testing or else the rating Popup will not show.

When calling show(). If you get on_completed signal, it means the request has been completed. There is no further need to do anything except some storage caching to not show it again.



I want to contribute to the Godot community so I create these plugins. I've prepared almost everything to help simplify and speed up the development and release progress.

With only one command, you can build and release this plugin. Read for more information.

If you find bugs, please open issues.

If you have time to fix bugs or improve the plugins, please open PR. It's always welcomed and appreciated.


MIT © Kyoz