kyubisation / angular-t9n

Apache License 2.0
9 stars 1 forks source link


This project is a tool to manage .xlf translation files. It is implemented as an Angular builder and can be added to a project via schematics.

angular-t9n allows adding translation targets, editing translations, exporting to Excel, importing from Excel and migrating orphaned translations.

The focus of this project is on Angular specific XLIFF files with UTF-8 encoding.


ng add angular-t9n

This will add a t9n section to the architect section of your angular.json.


The following properties can be configured in the t9n section in the angular.json file.

Property Description
translationFile The file path to the source translation file.
Default: message.xlf
targetTranslationPath The path to the target translation files.
Default: src/locales
includeContextInTarget Whether to include the context information
(like notes) in the target files. This is
useful for sending the target translation
files to translation agencies/services.
Default: false
port The port on which to host the translation app.
Default: 4300


Run ng run {projectName}:t9n, where {projectName} is the name of the project in the angular.json file, to start the translation app and open your browser at http://localhost:4300/.

Standalone Usage

This library can also be used without an angular.json. Install the package globally via npm install angular-t9n --global or yarn global add angular-t9n.

Create a config file with ng-t9n init [name-of-config] and start a translation server with ng-t9n path/to/config/file.json.