kyunghei / Timeless-Tales

A web application utilizing AI to create custom choose-your-own-adventure stories with dynamic choices/outcomes and relevant artwork.
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Timeless Tales

Timeless Tales is an interactive storytelling web application that uses OpenAI's GPT API to dynamically generate story text and images. This project was developed by a collaborative team, with a frontend built using React and a backend developed in Python.


Setting Up the Project

Follow these steps to set up and run the frontend locally:

1. Clone the Repository

Close the repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone
cd react-app

2. Install Dependencies

Install the necessary dependencies using npm or yarn:

npm install

3. Run the Development Server

Start the development server using the following command:

npm run dev

The application will be available at http://localhost:5173.

Internal Terminology

Context Variables

This section details all the context variables used in the "Timeless Tales" application to manage the story flow, user interactions, and dynamic outcomes.

Basic Constants

Constants from Frontend

Mutable Story Status

Mutable Story Tags

Mutable Story History

Additional Notes

List of Story Tags

In "Timeless Tales," each choice made by the player is influenced by tags that guide the narrative progression and outcomes. Here is a comprehensive list of all possible tags, each uniquely influencing the story's development:

Each tag is part of a probability matrix that helps determine the likelihood of specific outcomes, ensuring each choice's impact is dynamically integrated into the narrative flow.