l-v-yonsama / db-notebook

Javascript, SQL creation and execution, Markdown, etc. can be centrally managed in a file format called a notebook.
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Database Notebook

Database Notebook is a Visual Studio Code extension that allows access to various databases through the VSCODE Notebook interface.

It also provides a CSV and Har file preview feature.




Screenshots ( Convenient visualization of result sets )
### Difference display using comparison key (Primary or Unique key) - Create and execute "Undo changes sql statements" - ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/l-v-yonsama/db-notebook/main/docs/images/05_diff.gif) ### Label display using code label resolver ( `Create a new blank Code label resolver` ) - ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/l-v-yonsama/db-notebook/main/docs/images/06_label_display.gif) ### Verify records comply with a rule ( `Create a new blank DB record rule` ) - ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/l-v-yonsama/db-notebook/main/docs/images/07_record_rule.gif) ### Generate descriptive statistics - ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/l-v-yonsama/db-notebook/main/docs/images/14_describe.gif)
Screenshots ( Access to the Keycloak from the side panel )
### Access to the Keycloak from the side panel to display changes in user information. - ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/l-v-yonsama/db-notebook/main/docs/images/08_keycloak.gif) ### Expand and display JSON items in columns. - ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/l-v-yonsama/db-notebook/main/docs/images/09_json_expansion.gif)
Screenshots ( File viewer )
### Csv file viewer - After previewing the CSV file, descriptive statistics were displayed according to its content. - ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/l-v-yonsama/db-notebook/main/docs/images/10_csv_viewer.gif) ### Har file viewer - ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/l-v-yonsama/db-notebook/main/docs/images/11_har_viewer.gif)


Keyboard shortcuts

You can open this editor by going to the menu under Code > Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts or by using the Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts command (⌘K ⌘S).

Command Keybindings When Source
Mark cell as skip or not ctrl+alt+s notebookType == 'database-notebook-type' && notebookCellListFocused && notebookCellType == 'code' Database notebook
Specify connection to use ctrl+alt+c notebookType == 'database-notebook-type' && notebookCellListFocused && cellLangId == 'sql' Database notebook
Notebook: cell execution ctrl+enter - System (default)


Recommended Extensions

The ER diagram is output in mermaid format. It is recommended to use the "Markdown Preview Mermaid Support" extension together to visualize it.

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