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L2 Code

New L2 Code website!

Developing... 🚧

πŸ’» About

L2 Code - is a technology company specialized in Web and Mobile software development. It aims to serve customers and become a partner in solving their technology problems. Go to the website

βš™οΈ Branches

πŸ‘‰ develop: is the development branch, where all others are merged when approved

πŸ“Œ The name pattern used is based on the created issue and your purpose. For each task to be developed, an issue is created describing what will be done, and a branch is created based on this issue, so we should put the issue id in the branch name.

You can use the following prefixes to identify the purpose:

● feature: development of a new feature ● bug: non-urgent bug fix ● hotfix: urgent bug fix happening in production

Examples of how it would look: feature/289 (this number is the issue id) bug/254

πŸš€ How it works

Backend needs to be running to work.


Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine: Git, Yarn, Node.js.

πŸ’‘ Use only yarn as package manager.

Running the application

# Install the dependencies
yarn install

# Run the application in development mode
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

βš’οΈ Tech Stack

The following tools were used in the construction of the project:

✨ Code Patterning

In the project, ESLint and Prettier tools were used. The installation and configuration steps were done using VS Code, but the same process applies to other editors.

Install and configure ESLint

  1. Install the ESLint extension in VS Code.

  2. Type CTRL+SHIFT+P, search for Open Settings (JSON) and add the following code in VS Code configuration file:

    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll": true,

Install and configure Prettier

  1. Install the Prettier extension in VS Code.

🎨 Branch Creation

When you need to create a branch to develop an issue, create it based on the master branch and when you're done, open a pull request to the develop branch.

start an issue master -> new-branch (based)

finish an issue new-branch -> develop (pull request)

βœ’οΈ Commit Pattern

To keep the project organized, we suggest a commit pattern based on the issue id and the description of what was done. By the way, you can write this in Portuguese!

Pattern [issue id] - description

Examples [258] - styling the header [254] - fixing the menu bug