lHumaNl / EchoWarp

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EchoWarp is a versatile network audio streaming tool designed to transmit audio streams between a server and a client over a network. It supports both audio input and output devices, adapting to various audio streaming scenarios. EchoWarp can operate in either server or client mode, with robust configuration options available via command-line arguments or an interactive setup.

Key Features

Important Notes

Correct Usage

Running the Utility:

Server and Client Roles:

Interactive Mode

Firewall and Ports

VPN Considerations

Common Issues and Solutions

[WinError 10049]

timed out

403 Forbidden (Client is banned)

401 Unauthorized (Invalid password)

409 Conflict (Client version mismatch)


PyPi Repository

EchoWarp is also available as a package on the Python Package Index (PyPi), which simplifies the installation process and manages dependencies automatically. This is the recommended method if you wish to include EchoWarp in your Python project.

Features of Installing via PyPi:

Installation with PyPi (pip)

To install EchoWarp using pip, follow these steps:

  1. Set up a Python virtual environment (optional but recommended):
   python -m venv .venv
   source .venv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `.\.venv\Scripts\activate`
  1. Install EchoWarp using pip:
   pip install echowarp

Updating EchoWarp

To update to the latest version of EchoWarp, simply run:

   pip install --upgrade echowarp

This ensures that you have the latest features and improvements.

For more information and assistance, you can visit the EchoWarp PyPi page: https://pypi.org/project/echowarp/

Installation from source

Clone the repository and set up a Python virtual environment:

git clone https://github.com/lHumaNl/EchoWarp.git
cd EchoWarp
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `.\venv\Scripts\activate`
pip install -r requirements.txt


EchoWarp can be launched in either server or client mode, with settings configured interactively or via command-line arguments.

Interactive Mode

Simply run the main.py script without arguments to enter interactive mode:

python -m echowarp.main

Follow the on-screen prompts to configure the utility.

Command-Line Arguments

EchoWarp supports configuration via command-line arguments for easy integration into scripts and automation workflows.

Arguments Table

Argument Description Default
-c, --client Start utility in client mode (Mode in which the device receives an audio stream from the server over the network and plays it on the specified audio device). Server mode (Mode in which the audio stream from the specified device is captured and sent to the client over the network)
-o, --output Use the output audio device for streaming (like speakers and headphones). Input device (like microphones)
-u, --udp_port Specify the UDP\TCP port for audio data transmission\authorization. 4415
-b, --socket_buffer_size Size of socket buffer. 6144
-d, --device_id Specify the device ID directly to avoid interactive selection. None
-p, --password Password for authentication. None
-f, --config_file Path to config file (ignoring other args, if they added). None
-e, --device_encoding_names Charset encoding for audio device. System default encoding
--ignore_device_encoding_names Ignoring device names encoding. False
-l, --is_error_log Write error log lines to file. False
-r, --reconnect Number of failed connections (before closing the application in client mode\before ban client in server mode). (0=infinite) 5
-s, --save_config Save config file from selected args (ignoring default values). None
-a, --server_address Specify the server address (only valid in client mode). None
--ssl Enable SSL mode for encrypted communication (server mode only). False
-i, --integrity_control Enable integrity control using hash (server mode only). False
-w, --workers Set the maximum number of worker threads (server mode only). 1

Use these arguments to configure the utility directly from the command line for both automation and manual setups.

Launching with Config File

You can launch EchoWarp using a configuration file to avoid specifying all the arguments manually. Create a configuration file with the desired settings and use the --config_file argument to specify the path to this file.

Example of a configuration file (config.conf):


To launch EchoWarp with the configuration file with CLI args:

python -m echowarp.main --config_file path/to/config.conf

Ban List Management

EchoWarp server maintains a ban list to block clients after a specified number of failed connection attempts. This feature helps to secure the server from unauthorized access attempts and repeated failed authentications.

How Ban List Works

  1. Failed Connection Attempts: Each client connection attempt is monitored. If a client fails to authenticate multiple times (as specified by the --reconnect argument), the client is added to the ban list. Setting --reconnect to 0 in server mode disables the ban list feature.
  2. Banning Clients: Once a client is banned, it cannot reconnect to the server until the ban list is manually cleared or the server is restarted.
  3. Persistent Ban List: The ban list is saved to a file (echowarp_ban_list.txt) to maintain the list of banned clients across server restarts.

Example of Ban List File

The ban list file (echowarp_ban_list.txt) contains the IP addresses of banned clients, one per line:

Additional Features


Consult the help output for detailed command-line options::

python -m echowarp.main --help

Client Mode with Custom Server Address and Port:

python -m echowarp.main --client --server_address --udp_port 6555