lab-64 / split-the-bill-client

Flutter App for easy and fast splitting up of receipts
4 stars 0 forks source link

Developer Get Started

1. Install Flutter

2. Clone the repository

3. Run flutter pub get in the root folder

4. Run dart run build_runner watch -d in the root folder (needed for code generation, has to always run while development)

5. Hide nested (generated) files::

6. Hide not needed log messages (for less noise in the terminal)::

7. Install plugins (Android Studio):

Used packages


The architecture leverages Riverpod for a modular approach.

Screens & Widgets:

UI Controllers/Providers:

App State:


Communication Rules:

App State & repositories do not communicate with each other.

Exception: AuthState provides data of the logged user, and other states can access Auth State (but not vice versa).